Chapter 53

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~~~Authors Notes~~~

I cover a lot of the book in this chapter, so sorry if that's annoying. I just really wanna get past this part of tmr. OOPS.

But holy crap, Mockingjay Part 2 was the best thing I've ever seen. Has anyone else watched it yet??

On that note, enjoy! This chapter is full of everything, haha. I took note on some of the comments in the last chapter, and it seems that overall people like a mixed chapter of everyone emotion possible! So I will try to accommodate! ILY GUYS BYYEE!

*I'm fixing typos and errors later*


~~~Brianne's Pov~~~

The room of Keepers remained silent. Most seemed stunned, or shocked. The rest? I don't even know if they were paying attention anymore.

Gally was paying attention though, "That's ridiculous!" He shouted, jumping from his chair and facing Newt, "Minho should be kicked off the council for saying something that stupid!" Thomas put his head in his hands, clearly mortified.

Minho wanted Thomas to be the Keeper of the Runners. That was crazy!

Then all at once, everyone burst into commotion, some sharing their thoughts of agreement, others wishing to banish all those who agreed.

Newt stood, slowly, placing his notebook down on his seat. I stared at him as he took a few deep breaths, "I have never in my life seen so many shanks acting like shucking babies. We may not look it, but we're adults around here. So buggin' act like it or we'll disband this council and start the whole thing from scratch," Newt walked around the semi-circle, making eye contact with each of us, "Are we clear?"

The silence that followed showed that everyone was more than willing to oblige, "Good that," Newt calmly sat back down. He looked to Minho, "That's some serious klunk, dude. Sorry but you need to talk it up for it to move forward."

"It's sure easy for you shanks to sit here and talk about something you don't know about. I'm the only Runner in this group and the only other person who's been in the maze is Newt, former Keeper-" Minho started, making my heart ache.

But Gally interrupted, "Not if you count the time I-"

"I don't!" Minho shouted, "And believe me, you or anybody else has even the slightest clue what it's like to be out there. The only reason you were stung is because you broke the same rule you're blaming Thomas for breaking. That's called hypocrisy, Gally, you little shuck-faced piece of-"

"That's enough!" Newt intervened, "Defend your proposal and be done with it."

The tension in this room, I swear could be felt by all of the Glade. It was as if the oxygen in the air had been removed. Gally, Newt, and Minho were currently flicking their eyes back and forth between each other, each one staring the other two down.

I understand the tension between Newt and Gally, but I don't really get the reason for the disagreement between Gally and Minho. What happened between them?

Finally the exchange was broken off, and Minho said, "Anyway, I've never seen anything like it. Thomas didn't whine or cry or panic, he never even seemed scared. He's only been here for a few days, and he's stepped out into the maze to save two shanks he hardly even knows. All this klunk about him breaking a rule is beyond stupid. He doesn't even know the rules yet," Minho took a deep breath, gaining confidence, "But that was just the beginning. After that, he saw me give up on Alby and leave him for the dead. But he didn't give up, he pushed Alby up the wall and saved him. But that wasn't it. Then the grievers came and Thomas fought them off, by himself. It's crazy-"

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