Chapter 34

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I opened the door to the homestead. About thirty pairs of eyes fell on me. I froze. My hair was a tangled mess, my cheeks were burning with anger and embarrassment, and my clothes were dirty from lying on the ground after I'd passed out. Victoria had done all she could to help me, or so she says. She basically sat me up against a tree and fanned me with a leaf for a few minutes, hoping I'd eventually come to. But then she left me all alone. Literally left me passed out: alone. I love my friends. Yet, I guess, I'd rather her help Newt than me.

I took a slow step through the door. Everyone was silent, and the floorboards creaked obnoxiously. I cringed, but kept walking. As I walked, people moved out of my way. The looks thrown at me varied from pitiful to vacant, some were even crying. But I didn't look long enough to decipher who was weeping. I didn't want to.

I grabbed onto the railing of the staircase, planning to go upstairs, but someone blocked my way.

"Move, Gally," I mumbled, not even looking up.

"No can do," He answered in his usual sarcastic tone.

"I'm not playing around: move or I'll stab you. I'm not in the mood," My voice was scratchy and dull. A perfect depiction of my mood.

"I was given specific orders, not to let you up there."

"Newt is up there and I need to see him."

"But you can't."

"Why not?!" I yelled, stomping my foot.

"Because Nick doesn't want you up there. It's not your place-"

"I'm a medjack! If Nick doesn't want me up there, then let the medjack through."

"I can't- Look, you don't want to be up there?"

"Why not?! I need to see Newt!" I pushed against Gally, trying to move him out of the way, "I can save him! I'm a medjack, he needs me."

"Wait- nobody's told you?" Gally's voice lowered to a whisper, all of the previous sarcasm gone. A grave look came over his face, "I'm so sorry."

"What?" I looked around at the teens in the room, "What the heck is going on? Somebody please explain," My voice cracked, but nobody answered.

"I don't think Newt needs Medjack's. He needs the Baggers."

I almost choked, "Let me up there, right now." I ducked underneath his arm.

"Fine, but don't blame me for any of this."

And with that I ascended up the staircase, even dizzier than I was before.

Newt was dead.

Newt was dead.

Newt was dead. I repeated that sentence over and over again, until I was numb and the words had no weight to them.

I quietly stepped into the hallway, careful not to make a sound. I held onto the walls beside me for balance. Voices echoed from one of the rooms.

"There's nothing we can do," I heard Victoria mutter, a sniffle followed this. God, tell me she isn't crying.

"So you're done?" I recognized this voice to be Alby's.

"We've done everything we can," Jeff answered. Gally wasn't lying. Newt had truly died.

"He's too far gone?" I think Nick asked.

Victoria mumbled next, but the words were lost in her sobs. The only thing I heard was something about being 'too late.'

"It's okay, Tori," Jeff soothed, "But he truly is out, Nick."

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