Chapter 37

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~~~Brianne's Pov~~~


"What?" He asked, previously ignoring the questions coming his way.

"What happened out there?" Alby demanded, "You weren't stung by a griever, so what the heck happened?"

"I told you, Alby. I tripped," Newt answered, eyes quickly scanning over all three of our faces, "Took a bad spill."

"That's a load of klunk, and you know it!" Minho yelled. He began pacing behind us, "You're lying! You wanna know how I can tell?"

"Minho, you're making everything more stressful-" Alby started.

"No! You won't look at me! That's how I know," Minho shouted, "Brianne, he must have told you something?"

"I don't-" I began to say, but he didn't give me time to finish my lie.

"Newt," Minho pleaded, walking over to the side of Newt's bed, his dramatic rage hopefully over.


"I'm sorry, Minho, I really am," Newt whispered, staring at his hands, "I didn't mean for this to happen."

"Why are you so sorry?" Minho asked, sitting down again, "You kept mumbling that when we found you. Why are you sorry? What did you do to be so sorry about?"

Silence consumed the room. I honestly wasn't sure if Newt was going to reveal the truth to Ably and Minho. I mean, I silently hoped that he would, just so he could have more people to confide in, but as a couple minutes ticked by, the likelihood of him opening up seemed to get slimmer and slimmer.

"Newt, we're best friends. You should be able to tell me what happened," Minho whispered, sadly.

"I'm sorry," Newt mumbled, shaking his head.

"Newt, we need to figure this out," Alby stated, "Do you not remember what happened? Thats an issue in and of itself."

"I remember," Newt whispered.

"Then spit it out," Minho said harshly, losing patience again.

"Fine, I was climbing up the wall, because I'd lost my way and didn't know which turn to take. And I guess, I lost my footing. Took a bit of a spill. That's all," Newt looked away from Minho and Alby, his eyes taking on a cold edge.

I took a deep breath, slightly relieved yet slightly disappointed that Newt was circling around the truth.

In some ways, him wanting to keep his suicide attempt between just us two is exciting. I feel privileged. I feel as though things are going to be okay because it's all in my hands. But I also feel scared. If I can't help Newt, then no one will.

Alby exhaled loudly, "Are you sure that's what happened?"

"I mean, I was so out of it, I forget the details, but I think that's what happened," Newt spoke, without looking back at us. He kept his focus on something off in the distance outside the window. From where I was standing in the room, I couldn't see what he was staring at.

"We take things like this seriously," Alby said, "Five people died trying to solve your case."

"Wait-What?" Newt asked, looking back at the people in the room. But his attention wasn't on Minho or Alby, it was on me. His eyes were wide with shock and they became more and more sad as he kept staring.

"Nick and five others, including Amelia, were killed," Alby answered, with a stern look on his face.

Newt didn't say anything. Minho didn't say anything either, just had his head bowed in his hands. Even Alby stopped talking, and resorted to looking at the floor.

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