Chapter 25

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Too soon, I was being pulled from the slammer by none other than Nick. Surprisingly enough, he didn't handcuff me like I thought he would.

He only had one of my arms twisted behind my back, his hand keeping a firm grasp on my wrist. He stood behind me, holding me really close to his body, too close if it were my choice, and like this, he walked the both of us forward.

I'd stopped crying a long time ago, after deciding that if I was going to die, then I was going out with a fight.

I mean, it was time for last resorts. This was literally life or death.

"Ya' know, I regret doing this to you." Nick said, as we walked.

I didn't say anything.

I could run away, right now. Breaking Nick's hold on me would be easy. The hard part would be out running him.

And even if I did happen to slip away, where would I go?

So I decided to continue my submission act for the moment.

"Newt's a good kid." Nick continued, "Just sucks that you had to copy his rebellious mannerisms."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I flicked my head back towards him.

"It's a shame, because you could have lived a happy life here." Nick chuckled to himself. We'd slowed our walk drastically, which was odd because we were literally in the middle of no where. Like I don't think I've ever walked in this part of the glade. It was a big open field.

"Thanks for that information." I muttered.

"You're cute, ya' know. I liked you for a bit."

"Well, you're still gonna banish me. You don't do those types of things to people you like." I spat, stepping on Nick's foot.

"Look, I'm trying to be nice, okay, shuckface?"

"Oh, wow, thanks for trying to make me happier before I die. I really appreciate it." I rolled my eyes.

Nick stopped walking and pulled me backwards. I slammed into his chest, "Ya' know what, I take that back, maybe I will enjoy this."

"Seeing me die?" I seethed, catching my breath.

"Getting what you deserve."

"What are you gonna do, Nick; banish everyone that threatens your leadership?"

Nick pushed me forward, and we continued walking, "I would if I could."

"K." I mumbled, not wanting to waste my breath on this fool. As we kept walking, I saw in the distance a large crowd of gladers, all of them around the maze door.

"Newt wanted me to say goodbye to you for him."

"That's nice."

"That's all you have to say?" Nick questioned, his voice ranging from powerful to sympathetic in just a few seconds.

"I'm minutes from being dead, the time for last words is over."

"Suit yourself. Ya' know, I've always admired that attitude in you. The 'I'm gonna look strong' one. It's nice."

"Well, you're welcome. You've been given the gift of hearing it last."


Nick stopped us again, "What?"

"Don't-uh, don't- if you-" Nick sighed, pushing me forward, "Never mind."


"Are you sure, because this is your only chance to say it to me."

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