Chapter 39

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~~~Author's Notes~~~

Hi guys, it's me, finally!! I'm so sorry for my lack of updating, its been a long week. I am currently coming off of a medication that I've been taking for three years, and I'm having major withdrawal symptoms and so I'm a mess, haha. SO if there are errors in this chapter I am sorry, I just can't edit it any longer, because staring at my computer makes me want to vomit and have a mental breakdown. (saying that in the nicest way possible.) BUT anyway I hope you can enjoy this chapter AND ILY ALL!!!


~~~Newt's Pov~~~

As I sat down on the homestead steps, I realized that it'd been two weeks. Two entire weeks since my scare out in the maze. Almost two whole weeks since I'd almost ended my life. Two weeks since I'd laced up my sneakers for what I thought would be the last time. Two weeks since I'd kissed Brianne's forehead goodbye. Two weeks since I'd wrote that dreaded letter that I had thought would end my short story. It'd been two weeks since I'd quit running. Wow, It'd been two weeks. And I can't say I regret what I did. But I can't say I don't regret it either. Things have changed, and, if I'm being honest, I don't think they would have if I hadn't done something. Yah, there had been better options in front of me, but none of them would have gotten me where I am right now.

It'd been only a week since I'd woken up from my suicide attempt and had almost tried again. It'd been just under a week since I'd fought with Brianne. It'd been about week since Amelia and Nick died. It'd been a week since Alby pulled me aside to have that promising conversation. And it'd been a week since I'd started my recovery.

And now here I am, lacing up my sneakers for the day ahead of me. This was healing.

I fall down, I get up. That's all that matters. Thoughts shouldn't have control over me anymore. I have to learn to overcome them.

"Hey, Newt, is there any way you could come look at the finishing touches us builders have made to the kitchen? You seem to have an eye for detail," One of the builders, Andrew, asked me as I stood from the homestead steps.

I nodded, picking up my clipboard, "I got a meeting in ten minutes, but I'll come ova' as soon as I'm done," I smiled and the kid walked away.

"God, Newt, you're needed in the meeting room, right away! First week on the job, and you're already making a pretty klunky first impression," Someone yelled at me, putting their arm around my shoulders.

"Be there in a second-" I started, annoyed. But when I looked to my right, I couldn't help the smile that appeared on my face, "Shut up, Minho. If you were as injured as I am, it'd take you all bloody day to get places too." And with that we started walking towards the meeting room.

I looked around with a renewed sense of diligence and authority in my heart.

I had a new job, if you couldn't already tell.

After Nick passed away, Alby stepped up and took his place as leader. And it just worked out that I no longer had a job due to my physical ailments. So Minho took over my spot as Keeper of the Runners and I moved up to Alby's role as Second in Command.

Second in Command.

It had a pleasant ring to it. I'd always admired the job and had secretly wished that I could take on a responsibility as important as that, but I'd had my spot. I'd been a Runner.

But now with my still slowly healing leg, running wasn't really the best thing for me. But leading was apparently.

Newt, Second in Command.

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