Chapter 47

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~~~Third Person Pov~~~

The click, click of Karens heels announced her arrival to the Maze B Lab, long before she walked into the room.

"Can I help you, Karen?" The director of Maze B, Adam, greeted, "We don't see much of the Maze A crew, as of late. A lot is happening down there, no?"

"Enough is going on," Karen rolled her eyes at his tone. Yes, we get it your experiment is set to finish sooner than ours. Woohoo. Throw yourselves a happy little party.

"Plenty is happening here. Aris arrived last week and now our subjects are solving the puzzle to the maze," He boasted, making Karen's head hurt. 'You wanna know why nobody visits your lab? It's because of your cheery, prideful attitude,' Karen wanted to say.

"Good to hear," Karen took a deep breath, remembering why she had even come here in the first place, "I need your help. I'm looking for a subject in your experiment. A girl maybe?"

"Well, we have plenty of those here," He joked, but Karen didn't laugh, "What's going on? Did the Chancellor send you?"

"No, no, nothing wrong. I just need the girls file."

"What's the subject's name?"

"I have no idea what her old name is, or even what her new name is- I don't know if she's still alive or if she was ever sent here in the first place."

"Can you describe her to me? I know all of my subjects very well."

"Most likely a blonde, under the age of fifteen."

"Ah, that narrows it down to one of these five," He said, as he typed a few things into his computer," May I ask why you're looking?"

"Classified information. I need all of the files for the girls that fall into the category I just explained."

"Here they are," Adam said, as he opened a file cabinet, "You can take them if you like, but be sure to bring them back. We take our jobs seriously here-"

"Will do," And with that Karen left the annoying partner lab.

Karen flipped open one of the files, the girl on the front cover not looking in the slightest like the person she was searching for. Subject B-44. Jordan Camp.

She decided to skip that one and look at the second. Written across the front of this one was: Alexa Parks. Subject B-27. The Help.

She flipped it open, the girl on the front cover having loose blonde waves that cascaded over her shoulders.

"Found ya," Karen smiled to herself, as she walked back to the Maze A lab.

This was possibly the biggest secret Karen could have gotten her hands on.


"Janson, for your sake, I pray that you did not tamper with any of our subjects memories or dials or controls, recently," Karen sighed, rubbing her temple, her other hand grasping the files tightly.

Janson didn't respond, nor turn in his desk chair.

"You messed with Gally once, is it necessary for us to mess with him again?" Karen continued, ceasing her movements.

Janson turned around quickly, "I did what I had to do."

"Make Gally tell Brianne about Carly?" Karen asked, just wanting to solidify what she already assumed.

"Yes, he spoke the lovely truth that Newt so secretly hid from his wife-to-be."

"That wasn't your secret to tell," Karen shouted, sternly.

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