imagine 41 :- ELIJAH

4.2K 69 13

Firstly, we passed 200k reads and currently stand on 214K!!!! YAAAYYYYYYY!!!! No I didnt scream on  seeing the reads cross 200k and my family's hearing abilities are still very much intact.

This one was requested by Percabeths1reader. I hope you like it :) <3 


You turned sideways to look at how your body looks in the mirror.

Tonight's a special day. Another one of those Mikaelson Balls, yayy, you thought.

You breathed in deeply, trying to stick your stomach in as much as you could. Your minds went back to the single pound that you have recently gained and regret filled every inch of your body.

A soundless sigh slipped past your lips and you saw your stomach pushing out slightly. It wasn't a squishy tummy, just the normal curve of the lower tummy, but it seemed huge to you, something you couldn't ignore while looking at the mirror.

A knock on the door had you jumping in surprise. You sat on the stool hurriedly and held the first thing your hands reached to, in this case, lipstick.

"Come in!" you said in a squeaky voice and the door opened, Elena walked in wearing her beautiful dark green dress and your heart fell. You noticed how pretty she looked, how thin, and how perfect.

Your thoughts went along the line of 'I look like a toad compared to her,' but forced a smile on your face.

"Hey," you said in a low voice, carefully so that it doesn't give away the whirlwind of emotions you are feeling.

"Hey, Y/N, ready to go? Bonnie and Caroline are waiting downstairs."

You smiled and nodded your head. Mom must have led them in, you thought before replying, "I just have to do a few final touches and I'll be down there. Just give me a few minutes."

"Sure," Elena smiled and placed one of her hands on your shoulder, "You look beautiful."

With that, Elena left and your mom walked in.

"You okay, honey?"

You nodded through your watery eyes and hoped she wouldn't see it. But her sad smile was enough to make you realize that of course, she has seen it.

"You know, today is the perfect chance for you to talk to him."

"Mom, not again," you rolled your eyes and a chuckle fell through your lips.

"C'mon, Y/N! You like him, and with the way he is always looking for a chance to be around you, he likes you too. Just tell him!"

"Yeah, mom, sure, and risk giving him a reason to ignore me for the rest of my life."

"Oh yeah?" she raised an eyebrow, "And what if you find out that your confession triggered the chain of things you had been daydreaming about?"

You wanted to go away. You didn't want her to trigger another one of those weight conversations.

"Y/N, are you sure you are okay? You haven't been eating much and I swear you look thinner than before."

You almost rolled your eyes thinking that you spoke too soon but stopped yourself in the last moment.

"I am fine, mom. I just haven't been feeling well lately, I am sure it will get better with them."

"Are you sure? I think we should go to the doctor. You have been saying that you're not feeling well for days now."

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