imagine 7 :- STEFAN

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It was in the evening that you and Stefan, Damon and Elena were sitting near the fireplaces talking about life. For some time now, life in Mystic Falls had been smooth. There had been no appearances from Klaus or any other original or Katherine and you feel like life has never been more peaceful. While Stefan was laying with his head on your lap as you played with his short hair, Elena was leaning against Damon.

"We did face some crazy villains." Elena said taking a sip of her drink and Damon chuckled before kissing her temple. You smiled at how happy they looked.

"Yeah. And I don't even really want to think about what else is yet to come. My once boring life has been so very unpredictable since the supernatural entered into it. But you know what? It gave me friends like you guys and a boyfriend like Stefan. I'd never change it for anything." You smiled looking at all of them.

Stefan smiled at you but Damon started chuckling, you gave him confused looks after which he finally spoke up, "Remember the time when we first met Y\N?" He asked with a mischievous smirk.

"No. Let's not go down that memory lane please." You groaned and Damon raised his eyebrows looking at you.

He smirked again, "Poor Y\N, kidnapped by Klaus on her first day here in Mystic Falls."

You just rolled your eyes and picked up your glass of bourbon from the table.

"I still don't know the reason that you came to Mystic Falls in the first place." Elena said with a frown.

Your smile faded as you started thinking about the reason you came here, "I don't particularly enjoy talking about it but..."

"It's okay, Y\N. You don't have to tell us if you don't want to." Stefan said when a smile, interrupting you.

"No it's okay," You smiled at him, "you guys are the closest thing to family for me. I want to tell you." Everybody gave you a small smile, even Damon was not smirking anymore but smiling.

Sighing, you continued, "My brother came to Mystic Falls last year. I always wanted to come and live in this town but he was so dead set on not letting me stay here; 'any place but here' he would say. Then one day, he just vanished. A few days later I got to know he came to Mystic Falls to get some work done and I was so angry. He could have brought me with him."

No one said a word, they were all looking at you intently, "Then after a few days, I got a call from the sheriff here, Caroline's mom. She-she told me that he died in an animal attack."

You wiped a tear from your cheeks and looked back at all of them while they all looked at you without moving a single muscle. They knew what the animal attack meant.

"So I came here to see if I can find out what actually happened. I know now that it wasn't any animal but a vampire. I just need to find out who. I owe that to my brother."

"When was this?" Damon asked, he sounded so serious. The way you have seen the Salvatore brothers and Caroline, you believed that they couldn't have done that. But the way Damon spoke, it scared you.

"A few months before I came to town. Why?"

"What was his name?" Stefan asked this time, completely avoiding your question.

"Jason Y\L\N."

No one spoke and the silence was killing you. Eventually, stefan stood up and walked out of the room.

"Where is he going?" You asked confused.

"Probably to think." Damon said trying to give a smile which came out more as a grimace and Elena was looking at you with sympathy.

"Guys, if you know something about it you'll tell me, right?" You asked and Elena sighed looking at Damon. That's when it clicked.

"You guys know." You whispered horrified. "What happened to my brother Damon?" You asked as you stood up and walked to stand in front of him.

"Y\N I..."

"I killed him." You whipped around to be greeted by a grim looking Stefan and your eyes widened.


"I killed him. My humanity was off, Damon was trying to get me to turn it on which was really annoying. I wanted to feed and he was the first person I saw. I killed him." your boyfriend said.

"You killed him? You were the vampire who ripped his head off?" Then you remembered, "Of course, the ripper." You whispered horrified.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god... " You kept repeating the same the words in a state of shock. It was Damon who took a step towards you making your neck snap towards him and taking a step back.

He looked hurt, Damon was your best friend, he loved you like his own sister, you were one of the few people's who didn't judge him for the things he did.


"No, no, no, please....  Just let me be for a few minutes." Saying this you walked up to your and Stefan's room.

As soon as you reached it, you locked the door and started packing your clothes. You couldn't believe that you fell in love with the guy who killed your brother. The guilt was eating you up from the inside, you felt like you betrayed him.

Someone knocked on the door and you heard Stefan's voice, "Y\N just hear me out ple..."

"There's nothing left for me to hear, Stefan! You killed my brother!" You screamed and opened the door with your bag pushing past him and down the stairs only to be stopped by Damon. He held your arm and pulled you into his room closing the door.

"Damon what..."

"Just listen to me Y\N. Please." He looked at your eyes and when he realised that you won't interrupt, he continued, "Being a vampire is not easy, Y\N. Trust me when I say that Stefan regrets each and every second of his ripper moments. But if he loses you because of one such night, it might just be the end of him. My little brother will never forgive himself, Y\N, ever." He pleaded.

"Don't you get it Damon? My brother is gone. Forever. And I am not getting him back. So I don't really care about your brother anymore. He's just a murderer for me." You said with anger.

"This is the anger speaking, Y\N." He sighed.

"No, Damon. This is the sane me speaking. It finally took over there insane me who thought that I could date a vampire." You pushed past him but he held your arms and pulled you closer to him, your faces were inches apart.

"You have known Stefan for eight long months, Y\N. Did you ever feel like you were with a murderer? We vampires sure do have powers but with it comes burdens, Y\N. This is something that all vampires have to go through. Stefan didn't even want to turn it off. He was compelled to do it by Klaus. He didn't have a choice and neither did he have his feelings. I know my brother, Y\N. He despises humanityless Stefan more than anyone else." Saying so, Damon slowly released you and you sat down on the bed.

"I... I don't..." You stuttered.

"I know you're confused. But just think about it, okay?" He asked.

You roughly wiped your tears and nodded at him. You still couldn't believe that you fell in love with your brother's murderer and are thinking of giving him a second chance.

But it was after a few more months that you realized that you made the right decision.


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