imagine 11 :- KLAUS

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First of all, thank you so much for FIVE HUNDRED reads!! I know it's not much but I'm so happy after I saw it today.
Thank you a lot and I love you guys!! ❤❤

I know that I have some requests to write and trust me I'm working on them. The next one will be on Elijah after that there will me at least two Damon imagines. Promise! 😘😘


You were sitting inside your house all day, the windows closed and the room dark. Aiden and you were best friends. It was hard being best friends with Aiden when your boyfriend Klaus didn't trust the wolves at all. But you and Aiden had been friends from years and you trusted him blindly, which in turn made Klaus kind of trust him too.

You were walking in the road when you saw that woman in black, whom you assumed to be Dahlia killing Aiden. She scratched his face and pulled his heart out, all with magic. Physically, she didn't even touch him. You were about to protest and run to him but your friend who was with you pulled you back and dragged you home. She left only after she thought you were okay.

But you weren't. You couldn't accept the fact that he was no more. It hurt so badly that you had clutched your chest as you cried. That was all day long. Now it was night and you decided that you had to do something, maybe letting the Mikaelson's know about it? 'Yeah, that's it. I'll tell them what I saw.' Thinking this you changed into something decent and walked to the Mikaelson compound only to be greeted with the sight of Klaus lying on the floor desiccated with a dagger in his heart. You gasped and ran to him only to be held back by Elijah.

"It wouldn't be very smart to pull out the dagger now, Y\N." He said and you teared up again. But after the initial sadness passed, it was anger.

You used all your power, which was nothing in comparison to Elijah's to break out of his hold and he let you. You turned around to face him, Marcel, Freya and Rebekah. They all looked at your tear stained face sympathetically.

"Why did you do it?" You whispered.

"It needed to be done." Rebekah answered, "Freya knows how to kill Dahlia but she wouldn't work with Klaus. We had to do it for Hope."

You just sniffed and looked at Elijah again, "Aiden is dead. Dahlia killed him."

Elijah and all the others looked at you wide eyed but Rebekah was the one to speak up yet again.

"B-But he admitted killing Aiden." She said looking at you horrified.

"What? No!" You exclaimed, "I was there. I saw Dahlia, she didn't touch him. She used magic to pull his heart out." You explained hurriedly.

"Of course, she made it look like it was Klaus. Divide and rule." Freya said, looking at Elijah.

"You guys daggered him." You spoke again, still finding it hard to believe that he is actually daggered.

"Y\N. We cannot undagger him before time, he'll be furious. We need to kill Dahlia before..."

"No! No you cannot just leave him like that Elijah!" You said interrupting him.

"We have to, Y\N! We have to." He said and hugged you. He knew the understanding between you and Klaus was beautiful and he loved you as much as he loved Rebekah. "I gotta do this for the safety of the people here Y\N."

"What?" You asked confused as you looked up at him.

"You will leave New Orleans and not look back. Just remember that you are helping us here by leaving. The compulsion will only go away once Dahlia dies and only then will you come back." He compelled you.

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