imagine 3 (II) :- ENZO + DAMON

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"No. You are coming with me and that's final." She said dragging you to her car.

"But where?! Our town is not ours anymore, Caroline. We felt out of place at our own home town!" You told her.

"You have a lot to know, Y\N." Caroline muttered as she pushed you into the passenger seat of her car.

"Wait, what about my car?"

"We'll come back for it later." She said dismissively as she got in and started the car.

Seeing as there is no way for you to avoid going to that town now, you sighed and relaxed.

"So... What did I miss?" You asked looking at your blondie best friend. Then you looked at her belly before continuing, "And please tell me how in earth vampire Caroline got pregnant."

Caroline laughed a little seeing your wide eyes but it didn't reach her eyes. Something was wrong. Her laughter stopped and you noticed a tear sliding down her cheeks and you completely panicked. It wasn't normal to see a calm and organised Caroline crying like she lost everything.

You made her stop the car on the side of the road so she could talk, also because you didn't want to risk an accident.

"Caroline, what happened?" You asked calmly while rubbing her back.

"H-he left." She whispered in between her sobs.

"What?" You asked. Her words didn't make any sense.

After a few more minutes of crying, Caroline calmed down and told you everything.

You had been gone for a few years now and you had no idea that you had missed so much.

She told you about Rayna Cruz and how she made Stefan run all across the world, how Stefan chose to run away with Valerie instead of staying with her even after Rayna Cruz was captured by the Armory and how Alex was after Bonnie and she was on the run with Enzo.

The name of that specific vampire brought back the memories of your last day in the Salvatore house. It's not that they didn't try to track you down. In fact, you feared that they might use locator spells to find you. But that fear didn't last very long. You had some beautiful people to help you and you knew you would be forever grateful to them.

Caroline told you how Bonnie is trying to find out why the Armory wants her and how Matt Donovan drove all the vampires out of Mystic Falls. She also told you that Stefan has been sending her letters and she has been returning them.

"There is no way I'm reading those letters. Stefan hurt me really badly, Y\N. Plus I have two beautiful daughters at home now. I've left that life behind." She said.

"Okay, okay. No one's forcing you, Care. It's your choice." You said holding her hand and she looked up at you with her eyes glistening with tears.

"I missed you so much, Y\N." She said giving you a hug.

After a few more minutes of her calming down, she drove you guys to a house in the middle of nowhere.

"So this is the temporary residence?" You asked and stepped out of the car. You stretched your arms and checked the surroundings. "Looks like a calm place, except that it never really lasts." You muttered the last part but heard Caroline laugh.

"C'mon. Let's get in." She said and held your hand dragging you once again.

"You know I have nowhere to go right? I mean I don't even have a car right now, I won't run away." You said raising an eyebrow.

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