imagine 26 :- ELIJAH

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This one was a bit hurried since I was trying to make up for the slow updates. I will edit it later as soon as I can.


It wasn't easy. Everything had turned upside down in the past years for you. The Mikaelson siblings were literally in four different corners of the world. Hayley, Fin, Freya and Josh were still in New Orleans and you were there with them. You were close to the Mikaelson family. Being a Hayley's sister, the Mikaelsons had accepted you into their family whole heartedly. Well, Niklaus was a bit sceptical in the beginning but it took you no time to win him over. No matter how hard he tries to be, the big bad hybrid was a big softie for those he cared about, and he had started caring about you like he cared about Rebekah. Rebekah and Kol were close to you too. But the one with whom you shared the strongest bond was Elijah Mikaelson. Elijah had been there for Hayley and you from the very beginning. He did everything he could to save your sister and also you.

But right now, the circumstances brought you close to tears. You were sitting on a bench beside Hayley, tied up and gagged. They didn't gag Hayley but for some reason, they gagged you. Some people kidnapped you and Hayley and you have been there ever since. Like Hayley, you were a hybrid too, and these people seemed to hate hybrids.

As you sat beside Hayley, you kept thinking about the whole incident with Elijah. Hayley was taken first and then you. When Klaus had gone to ask Elijah for help, you had gone with him, hoping to bring him back. But you had no idea about what was waiting for you there.

When Elijah revealed he already knew everything about Hope, Klaus, Hayley, Freya, Rebekah, Kol, Y/N and also about the promise of 'Always and Forever' and he didn't give a damn about it, it broke your heart. Who was this man and where was your Elijah? You had thought.

Tear brimmed your eyes but he didn't even flinch. He didn't give any reaction. He looked at Klaus, dead in the eye and asked him to leave him alone and deal with his own problems. Then, he looked straight at you before he pulled Antoinette towards him and shared a deep and passionate kiss with her. Antoinette smirked at you while Elijah looked at Klaus and you held the hybrid back to stop him from attacking the female.

You didn't say anything to Elijah again, now that you knew that he knew everything, and still he kissed that woman right in front of you, you were hurt. You didn't want to stay there another minute knowing that the kiss was only to show you he didn't care anymore. You knew that he wouldn't help. So you dragged Klaus back. You were hurt, angry even. Yes, he didn't feel the same things but he remembered everything, every memory, everything the brothers did for each other. How could those memories mean nothing to him? Then again, what did the memories mean if he couldn't feel the emotions hidden in them?

It was that night after the return when you were walking rather carelessly on the streets of New Orleans that you got kidnapped. You had no idea how many days you were kept there. You were always sedated.

You were lost in these thoughts when Hope and Roman entered the room. Hope went straight to Hayley. And roman tricked and made her wear the shackles to prevent her from doing magic. Hope was shocked, angry, betrayed.

She told Hayley about everything that happened with Klaus and Freya and the binding spell and Greta. She had also taken the gag out of your mouth by then. Secrets got revealed and when Hope realised how Roman used her, she was very angry.

When Roman refused to let you guys leave, Hayley decided to do the binding. Roman called a witch and she locked Hayley's wolf.

On the other hand, Greta had already made sure that Elijah would help them and stop Klaus from killing Roman.

When Greta arrived, she put Hope in a magical sleep and urged Roman to kill her. When roman didn't agree, she tried to kill her herself but Hayley stopped her. But the Hybrid was still weak. Greta easily pinned Hayley against the wall and immediately thrust a hand into her chest to grab her heart.

"No!" You screamed but you couldn't move. The vervain and Wolfsbane laced ropes made it impossible for you to move. But you rocked the chair hard due to your excess emotions and the chair fell sideways and broke apart. You freed yourself and was about to go to Hayley when the door broke.

In came Klaus and Elijah as Elijah pierced a stake into Klaus's chest and also Antoinette as she held you back from killing Greta. Klaus was breathing deeply on the ground, nearly choking on his own blood with Elijah standing over him. Roman sat on the ground holding Hope, Antoinette had you and Greta had Hayley. Your eyes blurred. You were too tired and weak to fight off Antoinette. You closed your eyes but they snapped open when you heart Greta screaming. Hayley had broken off Greta's finger with the daylight ring and threw them both out the wooden door, into the broad sunlight.

You fell down on your knees on the floor and Klaus screamed loudly as Hayley's body burnt. You were having trouble breathing now. Hayley just died. Your sister, the one who took care of you like a parent should have just died and you could do nothing to save her. Nothing.

Your breathing became irregular and it started hurting your lungs. Klaus came to you and help you up and pulled you into a hug before his eyes fell on Hope. He hesitated for he knew you need him too but he didn't say anything. You pushed him towards Hope. He gave you a wary smile and walked over to embrace his unconscious daughter. You just stood there and looked at Elijah who was looking at the two burning bodies, Antoinette crying her eyes out beside him.

You walked until you were beside them. After a second of silence, Elijah turned to look at your tear-stricken face. He didn't say anything and his face remained blank when he looked at you. But you had to speak today. You stayed quiet the previous day but today, you wouldn't, you couldn't.

"For the sake of your own, I wish that you won't regret this day when your memory returns." You whispered.

"It wouldn't make a difference. I already remember everything." He said firmly as he held Antoinette.

You gave a sad smile, "Are you sure?" He looked at you skeptically making you smile again, "You remember the incidents, like stories, you don't remember the feelings, the emotions behind them. I hope you know what you have chosen. I hope you chose the right family."

Klaus just came out of the house and Elijah was about to say something but you couldn't hear anymore. You used the vampire speed and sped away from there. Klaus called your name but he didn't run after you. He realised you needed space. He just didn't realise you decided to leave for good.    


There will be a second part to this.





The second part of this will be up soon. :)


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