imagine 37 :- JEREMY

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This one was requested by Gpiggy20. There's one Jeremy imagine after such a Loooooooong time. Also, The whole month of October was full of festivities for me so excuse the absence of updates please. 🥺

Ps. This Picture of Steven McQueen though 😍😍😍


"That is not, okay. That is so not okay." Matt said as he shook his head with a smile he couldn't hold back even though he tried hard.

"Ughh," you groaned, I should have never told you." You started tapping on the counter as Matt chuckled.

You held your head in your hands as your elbows rested on the counter as you thought about all that could possibly happen.

Matt was still working, so he went to clear the shots glasses of the customer who was sitting two chairs away from you before he came back.

By the time Matt stood in front of you, you were still sitting in the same position. The blonde sighed and leaned on the counter, he took your hands away from your face.

"Look at me, Y/N." You raised your head to look at him with a slight out still on your face.

"I laughed not because it was funny, it was because this is something I could never see coming. Whoever thought that Y/N will have a crush on Jeremy, Jeremy Gilbert." He chuckled again.

"I don't know what to do, Matt."

"Just tell him," he said bluntly, "What's the worst that could happen?"

"Oh, let me see," You said animatedly as you pulled your hands away from Matt's.
He'd laugh at me just the way you did. Then he'll tell Elena, then the whole gang will know."

"What?" Matt asked surprised.

"What?" You mumbled, now even more embarrassed.

"Y/N, whatever he says or does, he definitely won't laugh at you. You're his best friend!"

"Exactly!" you stood up from your seat, "We're best friends, either it can be extremely good, or I will lose my best friend."

Matt scoffed, "That guy won't get rid of you even if he wanted to do. This is Jeremy we are talking about. I cannot remember a second when you two weren't together having fun."

"So, I should tell him?" You asked meekly and Matt nodded.

"Just tell him. Better take the risk than live in regret right?"

"Right," you nodded, "Right, okay, I should tell him."

A few hours, later, you found yourself on the way to the gilbert house. The streets were creepily silent as it wasn't even that late, there weren't many people out too.

Speeding up a little, you hurried towards the gilbert house, only to be stopped when you bumped into someone.

Looking up, you saw Stefan's brother. It was only recently that Damon had arrived in the town and there was this aura of mystery.

"Hey, Damon." You said nervously, you are alone in the road currently with this person who has this extremely creepy expression on his face.

"You look tasty." He said with a smirk. Your eyes widened but before you could run, he was already holding you. Feeling a searing pain on your neck, you struggled against the man and tried to push him away, but there was so much pain. Your vision turned black soon after that. You could feel Damon moving his teeth from your neck but you were too tired to do anything other than losing consciousness.

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