Chapter 8

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*Maddy's POV*

The sun was peeking in through my window. Lighting up the whole room. I opened my eyes and looked around.

This is not my room.

I sat up quickly but got yanked back. The IV's were everywhere. I looked around and it all looked familar.

I was in the hospital.

*Harry's POV*

We all sat in the waiting room for the results. The doctor came around the corner and i shot up.

"Well?" i asked.

Liam and Zayn stood up too. Niall, Sarah, and Louis had fallen asleep. I was tapping my foot furiously.

"We have to keep her in for observation. She is in a critical state." he began.

Although he never got to finish because just then a nurse was screaming for him. He had to run off and left us waiting here. Again.

"She will be okay." Sarah said not even opening her eyes.

"Arent you asleep?" I asked.

"Sleep? Here? Now? Harry you must be insane.." she said.

Her eyes remained shut, yet she kept talking.

"Maddy is my best friend. I couldnt sleep if i tried when shes like this." she said.

I looked at her before i turned my gaze back to the corner where the doctor should have walked. He never did.

I sat back in my chair and tried to relax. Stupid intercoms.

I thought as they blasted names over the speakers that needed assitance immeadiately. One name caught my attention.

Miss.Maddy Collins

It spoke. Sarah must not have been asleep because she jumped up, out of Nialls arms and started running towards the front desk. I took this as a warning. So i did the same thing.


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