Chapter 12

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*Harry's POV*

"Caroline.." Maddy said in a somewhat cheery tone.

We all turned to look at her.

"You remember?" I asked.

If she remembers, will she forgive me?

"Im starting to. Its coming back.. Piece by piece." she said.

Then she looked at me, and dropped my hand.

"So, You remember what happened? When you were by yourself in the room with Caroline?" Sarah asked.

She shook her head. Caroline smiled.

"She wont remember." she said.

Caroline walked past Maddy bumping into her.

*Maddy's POV*

Just then she bumped me.

"You wont remember.. Or ill be back." she said.

I turned around and yanked her back.

"Look, I dont know what happened but if you ever lay a hand on me again I wont be the one back here in a hospital bed. It will be you. Are we clear?" I said.

I dont know where that came from but honestly, it felt good to tell her that. She looked shocked.

"No we arent clear. You cant hurt me if you tried." she said.

I think i took that as an invitation because what I did next.. Well, I didnt even know I was capable of doing.

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