Chapter 13

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*Niall's POV*

Maddy reached out and punched Caroline.

"Im pretty sure I just hurt you, and I didnt even try." she said.

Caroline held her face in her hands. Harry stood there laughing, Liam and Louis were shocked. I just stood here. She punched her. I didnt exacty know what to do.

"Ow.." Caroline breathed.

"Yeah. Now dont EVER come near me again. We clear now sweetie?" Maddy questioned.

Caroline nodded. Sarah walked over to Maddy and took her back to her room. A doctor came over and gave Caroline an ice-pack. We all sat back down in the waiting room for Sarah to come back out.

"May not wanna mess with Maddy anymore Caroline." I said.

She looked at me. I could tell that really hurt. Her face was already turning purple.

"Your face is already turning purple." Zayn said.

"No really? I would think so.." she replied.

Sarah came back out into the room.

"She wants you Harry." she said.

Harry stood up and started walking.

"Oh, and she remembers." she started. "Everything"

He nodded and kept on walking.

*Harry's POV*

I walked down the hallway. Looking around for Maddy's room number.

"Who are you looking for dear?" someone asked.

I turned around.

"My friend. Maddy Collins." i replied.

"Keep going that way." she said.


She nodded and I continued. After a little while longer I came to her door.

I placed my hand on the knob. Taking a deep breath, I entered her room.


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