Chapter 31- The Noise

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*Arielle's POV*

I sat in my room. The curtains open. I didnt want to go downstairs. The snow piled up against the window. I knew we were trapped. 


I turned my head towards the noise. I heard everyone downstairs go silent. You couldnt hear them talking, moving things, nothing. It was dead silent. 


It came again. This time, It was louder. 

"Arielle? Is that you?" One of the boys screamed. 

I shook my head. Then I realised they cant see me. 

"No..." I shouted back.


Someone screamed. I stood up and went out into the hallway. 


What is that? I walked towards Louis' room. Thats where the noise was coming from. I rested my hand on the door. Taking a deep breath I flung the door open. I stood frozen. What I saw.. Was the kind of thing you have nightmares about. Just then it leaped towards me and pulled me inside. I screamed at the top of my lungs. Then everything went black.

*Niall's POV*

I saw Arielle's feet from the balcony. I tried to see more but I couldnt. She was walking towards Louis' room. When she got to his door she stopped. Sarah tensed up. I backed away and took Sarah with me. I knew whatever happened Sarah wouldnt want to see. Arielle has guts to even be up there right now. 

Just then the door flew open. It was silent. Sarah sat on the couch while I looked up at Arielle. Though I could only see her feet, I saw what happened next. Her feet dissapeared. I couldnt see her anymore. She let out a shril scream and a door slammed. Then it was silent.

"Ar-Arielle..?" I said.

The boys ran over to where I was. I shot up the stairs to Louis' room.

"Niall! Mate! What happened? What was that?" Harry screamed after me. 

I stood in front of Louis' door for a good 5 minutes. Then I decided I needed to go get her. To help her. So I did what I had to do. I opened the door.

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