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HAPPY 24K READS! i am so sorry for not updating as much, our neighbour was positive and it was hectic. yall need to stay inside and wear your masks over your mouths and noses!

requested by :ImHolyFredGetIt, i hope i didnt disappoint you too much with this.

note: in this, imagine you have similar features as peggy carter.

3rd person's POV:
You got it, you looked a lot like Margaret Carter and you hated that people often told you. Like, you knew! No need to remind you.

"You look like her"

"I actually thought she was you"

"Was she reincarnated as you?"

You either looked at them deadpan or forced a smile. Goddamn your ears would fall off any minute if one person said it to you again.

Now it just got worse, especially when you went to Washington, DC. One time you went in the Smithsonian everybody looked at you weird. And that was the last time you went there.

You sighed as you shook your head, attempting to push the thoughts away. You finished putting on your jogging clothes and looked at your watch.

5 am

"Well, time to go out" you say as you rush to central park to take your usual jog. You went early because you didn't want any "you look like peggy" bullshit. Little did you know...

After 45 minues of jogging, you slowed down to a walk as you went on your phone to switch the song. You didn't even see the tall man running toward you, not stopping enough, so down you went, groaning as your butt collided with the ground.

"Oh my- Ma'am I am so sorry I didn't see where I-"

"No no, it's fine" you sigh as you stand up, cutting him off as you ignored his outstretched hand.

"No, no atleast let me-" He gasps as your eyes collide, his breath hitched in his throat, as you furrow your brows when your eyes met his blue ones.

Why did they look familiar?

"I-I....may I ask you what's y-your name?" he stutters as a man jogs up next to him, panting as he stops and looks at the blue eyed, blond man.

"Why'd you stop for- holy shit" the man with a sweater next to him cursed as he looked at you.

You roll your eyes.

I am aware I'm a sight to see, dude, no need to gawk.

"Okay what the hell is happening, sir you look like you've seen a ghost" you're confused alright; if your tone didn't give it off, your face sure did.

"What's the fuss?" another man catched up to the blond and the other guy, except this one had a thick ass red sweater and gloves.

"Look" mister sweater told and glove man looked at you, eyes widening and mouth agape.

"If I'm about to get kidnapped, I swear to God I will scream like my life depends on it, cause it does" you slowly back away from the three men and the blond spoke first.

"No no, I uh...you just...what's your name?" he stutters.

"Y/n, what's yours?" you back away still, hesitating to trust him.

"I feel like I know you" you narrow your eyes as you point a finger at him.

"I feel like I know you too" he said.

"I'm steve" he says as you suck in a breath, wracking your brain for any steves.

"Seriously? You don't know him?" sweater man asked, chuckling.

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