I forgot

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3rd person's POV:
It was Saturday night, which means it was movie night with the avengers.

"No more snacks guys!!" you screamed as you went through all the cupboards and refrigerators in the tower. Tony seriously needed to go grocery shopping.

"It's Pietro's fault! Always zipping and taking everyone's snacks!" Tony pointed at him.

"Stop whining Tony. We all are guilty because we forgot to buy groceries yesterday!" Pepper scolded him

Tony scoffs.

"I'm not guilty. I was on a mission" you shrug and get a pen and a paper.

"What do ya'll want?" you began asking when they were sitting on the couch waiting for you.

"I WISH POPTARTS LADY Y/N" Thor's voice boomed causing all of you to cover your ears.

"Indoor voice, Thor!" Clint scolded, wincing while cupping his ear.

"Sorry.." Thor smiled sheepishly and you laugh

"Poptarts....what else?" you ask after laughing.

"Popcorn of course " Tony says and drapes his arms around Pepper's shoulders

"Fries!!" Natasha and Clint says and you listed them down.

"CHIPS" Loki said with Bucky. "Get the Lays ones. And the Doritos" Bucky quickly adds and you smile as you nod.

"Candies" Pietro and Sam said who came in with Steve

"I want donuts" Steve said calmly and you smiled jotting them down.

"What kind?" you ask him.

"You know what kind, y/n" he shook his head at you while smiling to which you giggled at.

"I'll come with!" Peter raises his hand and you chuckle at his eagerness. "The bags are heavy" Peter reasons and you nod as you motion your head for him to come withm

"Ok...is that all?" you ask again.

"I want bubble tea" Wanda says

"Okay....we'll be back! Come on kid" you say and peter smiles following you.

"Stark! Can I borrow a car?" you ask the billionaire.

"Yep....choose one..."he says and you were smiling while almost running down to his huge garage.

You pick a BMW with peter constantly asking if it was alright with 'Mr. Stark' and you said it was fine.

Tony had dozens of cars if you crashed the car.

Did you mention that you didn't have a license and just learned how to drive and park?

No you didn't. And he wouldn't know. He'll never know.

And once you arrived you had a bad gut feeling. And you knew why.

"Argh!!!" you say and Peter immediately stopped pushing the cart to attend to you.

"What's wrong miss y/n? Is something wrong? Are you okay?" he immediately asked you, worried there was something wrong.

"I forgot the list!!" you said frowning. You had bad memory too. You stomp your foot. You were too lazy to drive back to the tower.

"Don't worry I remembered them" Peter smiled proudly as he pushed the cart, scanning the shelves.

"Really?" you ask him

"Yep" he says and started counting.

"Thor poptarts. Mr. Stark's popcorn. Fries of Miss Natasha and Mr. Barton. Falcon and Pietro's candies. Winter and Mr. Loki's chips. Miss Wanda's bubble tea" he smiled proudly.

"Wow. Nice job!" you say and ruffle his hair as he smiled at you.

I swear this kid is a golden retriever

"How bout you, what do you want?" you ask him

"I'll just get soda and chips." he says.

As you shop you get what Peter remembered since you forgot your list. Thank lords for peter.

Peter's soda.
Your root beer.
Wanda's bubble tea.
And a few more snacks.

But there was still a gut feeling that you forgot something. So when you were in the car with Peter, after you finished buying you asked him again.

"Did we forget to buy anything?" you ask

"No. No I don't think we did" he says after thinking for a while.

"Eh...ok" you shrug and went in.

When you got in the tower it was 7 pm so they were already preparing the lounge area to make it look and fit the whole team.

Steve and tony were carrying pillows, Thor and Bucky was having an arm wrestling competition on the table, Loki was reading a book in the corner as usual, Sam and Pietro was bugging Wanda and Natasha, while Vision was sat there looking at his girlfriend's annoyed face.

"We're here!!" Peter announced.

Their faces lit up and went to help you with the bags.

"My jellybeans! You really know me" Sam said and hugged you. You chuckled.

"That's the only thing you ever asked me to buy, Sam" you say

"Thank you lady Y/n and man of spiders!" Thor says getting his poptarts.

A few more thank you's was heard and Vision speaks up.

"Y/n I believe you left behind your list. Did you forget anything?" he asks you

"I think I didn't forget anything. Peter said he-" you spoke too soon.

"WHERE ARE MY DONUTS?!?!?" a sad Steve whined loudly.

"Oops..?" was all you could say.

Steve pouts as he sulks sadly.

See? Golden retriever gets pouty when not given his snacks.

"I'm so sorry sir. Captain err sorry Mr. Rogers." Peter stutters as he plays with his fingers, a nervous habit.

"I forgot babe I'm so sorry..." you say and went near him.

"We can share my chips if you want" I suggest and he looks at me defeated.

He looked like a kicked puppy with his baby blue eyes sad and a small pout on his lip. You pecked the pout and hugged him whispering in his ear so that no one can hear.

"I'll make it up to you tonight" you say and leave him to get your root beer and chips and sat on the couch leaving him there with a flushed face and red ears.

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