It's for you!

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A/n:4th of july!!! Happy birthday to america's ass, our one and only captain spangles! Steven grant rogers!💙❤🌟

3rd person's POV
It was steve's birthday today. The day that you prepapred for so much.

You spent more than a week preparing your gift for him and now it was ready in time.

Of course you had a little help from natasha, sam and bucky.

What your gift was a surprise to the rest of the team.

Tony was of course going to throw a party and he promised the capsicle he won't invite people who steve doesn't know.

It was early morning when you woke up the birthday boy since you had plans.

"WAKE UP STEVIE"you jumped on his bed making him open an eye and groan once he looked at the time. It 9 am and the mall opens at 10 am

He didn't have a morning run today. He said it was his gift to himself. Pfft as if missing one morning run would make any difference to his overall appearance.

"It's too early for this y/n"he buried his face in a pillow.

You dragged his blue blanket which made him glare at you.

"It's cold give me my blanket back"he extended a hand with his face still in his pillow.

"Oh come on cap it's the fourh of july!"you get his hand and force him to stand, failing miserably.

"Ugh so heavy"you pull his hand and managed to get his head up to look at you amused.

"Steeeeeeevvvveeee"you whine, poking his sides

"Y/nnnnnnnnnnnn"he mimics you turning the other way so that he isn't facing you.

You smirk. "Nice view cap"you slap his butt making him yelp and sit up.

"What the hell?"he asks you and groaned rubbing his eyes, his hair messy and he looked so cute so you sat across him, pinching his cheeks

"Good you're up"a voice startled you two

Bucky was smirking with natasha behind him holding a phone, recording both of you.

"That's not going away anytime soon"steve groaned

"Yehey! Up and up we go cap! We got a whole schedule to go through!"you clap and got up to get his towel and pushed him in the bathroom

"Better be fast and don't fall asleep or I'll light up fireworks in your bathroom"you skip outside happily, earning chuckles from the two assasins.

"Aren't you excited?"natasha puts her phone in her pocket.

"Of course I am!"you face them, your smile was extended ear to ear. It quickly faded when you became nervous.

"What's wrong doll?"bucky noticed your sudden change of mood

"What if he doesn't like my gift?"you ask suddenly walking and nervously played at the end of your sweater.

"He'll like it we're sure"tony suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"What the-"you were about to ask where he came from when he interrupted you

"I'll invite the guests now and set up. You better keep him busy"he points at you and bucky

"When have I ever let you down?"bucky asks

Tony raises a brow

"Maybe one or twice. How about the time when-"

"Oh come on you know that was an accident! Pietro came dashing in and I dropped the cake"bucky pouts

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