Chadwick Boseman

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please he looks so happy in that gif :(
This is gonna be an x reader so yeah

3rd person's POV:
"Hey y/n..."a smooth voice met your ears and you turn around, unable to believe that it's him.

Your hand flew to your mouth in pure shock. You looked confused, shocked, and sad at the same time.

"W-what... ch-chad?"you ask and went  to walk to him and cupped his cheeks, testing to see if he's real.

"It's me.....did you miss me?"he smiles at you, teary-eyed.

"B-but how? What?"you ask again, shaking your head.

"Cancer.....I couldn't do it missed you"he smiled sadly and went to embrace you in his strong arms

You couldn't stop your tears now. You hugged him back and sobbed in his arms.

"It's too early....why....why?"you managed to say.

"I don't know....I guess God heard me when I said I wanted to see you again..."he smiled at you as he looked around.

"So...this is where we go when we die huh?"his eyes travel around

"Did you meet kobe?"he joked.

You smile and shook your head. "No...."you sigh

"Hey....why are you sad?"he asks you

"You're here too early....what'll  happen to your wife?"you ask him.

He smiled sadly. "To be honest? I don't know."it was his turn to sigh

"I couldn't even give her a family..."he said sadly and went to sit down as you sat beside him.

"She'll stay strong....taylor can do it"you smiled.

"Want to see them?"you offered

"W-we can see people? From here?"his eyes gleamed from happiness and you chuckled.

"It's like you never grew..."you say and stood up.

"Come on....let's see them"you took his hand in yours and walk him to a nearby fountain.

You stopped and he looked at you confused as to what you were going to do.

You smiled and went to the fountain. "Taylor Boseman"you whispered and the fountain instantlly showed a woman sobbing in a room, holding a sweatshirt.

Chadwick gasped as he saw this and went near.

"'t cry..."his eyes teared up once again as he touched the water.

You looked at him with such sadness. He was too young and so were you.

You were his late best friend from childhood. A car took your life when you were 17.

And from then on you have done nothing but look at chadwick, your family and friends from up above.

You were there when they diagnosed chadwick with cancer. You were there when black panther and many more movies that had chadwick syarred in was released.

You were there everytime he visited your grave. Listening to what had happened. He even asked for your advice about the engagement.

Even when you were still down there. He comforted you like a brother could. He did everything to see a smile on your face.

And the day you died? You were heartbroken to see him cry. But this, this was all new to you.

You were there to support your best friend. Even if it wasn't physically. You did.

But you didn't see when he was on his last breath. You weren't there. To support his family, or him.

And it made your heart break. He was taken too early. He had a whole future planned out. And then this?

Now, here you were, seeing your bestfriend cry all his sorrows out.

You wasted no time and went to hug him. It was your turn to comfort, make him happy.

"Sshhhh......I'm so sorry"you voice cracked at the end and he just hugged you back, sobbing into your white dress.

You tucked his head in your neck carefully as he cried.

"I'm here... you're not alone in never were....never was....and you never will be alone..."you whispered as you couldn't help to cry

Here he was. The chadwick boseman. The respected black panther. A legend. A king. A husband. A son. A brother. And a leader. Vulnerable in your arms.

You swore you heard your heart crack. "Shhh"you said as you rubbed his back.

You didn't know what to do except sit there with him and hug him.

When his sobbing subsided and his hiccups began to appear you made him face you as you wipe his tears.

"We'll get through this. They'll get through this. Okay?"you ask as he nodded and fresh tears cane running down.

"Does heaven have water and tissues?"he suddenly asked and you chuckled.

"And how do you know you're in heaven mister?"you asked

"Because you're here"he smiled cheesily, despit his red eyes and sniffy nose.

"You're crying and sobbing and you still aren't gonna let the cheesiness go?"you asked him shaking your heas while laughing.

"Nope. Never"he says and you both laugh.

"But seriously though. I need water. My throat is so dry."he says and you broke out in laughter

(God I'm crying again)

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