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3rd person's POV
You told yourself you became an avenger not for the ruckus and how childish they may seem and that you were here to save lives, yet here you were; arguing about which captain you preferred best.

"Aragorn is and was best, period, no buts no nuts no coconuts" you argued.

Worlds were colliding, universes were combining. You all were seated in the lounge, 3 separate parties arguing which was best; aragorn, sparrow, or rogers.

You weren't a fan of noisy places, yet when sam had said that he preferred steve to be the most experienced captain he ever knew, you had to interlude; it was simply, not true. "Sparrow fulled a whole british government, surely your....aragorn had no sense to that" loki raised a brow.

Yes you read that right, loki. Ever since he saw that damn movie he admired how clever and mischiefed the pirate was. And now he used that to contradict your opinion.

"I agree; for once, with my brother. No offense, captain"thor raised a hand to steve, who was amused at how you defended aragorn, you were the only one who was in your party, yet you seemed not fazed by this; if anything you got more confident, your signature smirk as always, was on your face.

You didn't falter as half the team looked you in the eye, you looked at them with a stronger glare as you said your defense.

This was a harmless debate yet you all seemed fired up. Even loki was in on it, so what use was it to you if you gave up?

"Aragorn led an army of the undead, he fought a necromancer, and didn't turn down the kingdom of men and that made him king. What could possibly top that?"you crossed your arms, looking over to the 5 people on each team.

Thor and loki was on Jack Sparrow's side, Peter and wanda was on Steve's side; much to steve's amusement while he just watched to the side along with nat, tony, and strange. You were on your own, defending Aragorn.

"Steve had crashed a plane down the ocean to save a country and take down an evil establishment. What's your aragorn and sparrow to that?"wanda asks.

"Oh, but did he take down Hydra? Did he succeed on saving the country? Til this day, america still finds its own problems to solve, so in other words, he saved nothing, again, no offense, babe" you forced a smile at steve with a wink as he rolled his eyes at his girlfriend's ever so on-point sarcasm.

He didn't mind that you defended another man, this man took your heart long before he did, and he had peggy before so it's quits.

"Sparrow fought the undead too, and won against them. He survived bloody death itself, now, top that"loki says with a point of his finger at you and wanda

"Mister Rogers led the howling commandos and lost only ONE man. And that man came back to him, what happened to those of sparrow and aragorn?"peter smirked and bucky smiled as they looked at you for an expectant answer.

You looked at them, a small smile on your face as you waited for a minute.

"Sparrow had no one close to him; that's what is nice. He may had a couple of flings and some friends but in the end they all got back together."thor smiled and loki looked at him. "Nice point, brother"loki smirked and they fist bumped.

You raised a brow at this, smirking your best. You looked to the ceiling, "F.R.I.D.A.Y. tell me you got that"you smirk to tony next as he raised a brow at you

"Yes miss y/n. Thanks to Mr. Maximoff we did"her voice made you smile in victory. The while team except you, tony and now pietro who appeared at your side and you fistbumped him as wanda looked around and her head was thrown back as she roared in laughter.

The rest of the team became clueless as you three began running away. Tony entering his iron man suit, pietro carrying you as he zipped you away, followed by wanda who was still laughing.

"What....did she do"bucky now stood up and looked around as he knew you were a mischief yourself. Loki was playing pranks and all but when it was you who played it, you could do anything.

"I don't know"natasha says as pietro came in again and looked at her.

"No girls left behind"pietro says and without warning took natasha in his arms and zipped down and after that, the whole tower went on lockdown.

The saved ones was outside the tower, just on a rooftop of a building, now joined by natasha and pietro.

"Oh what now?"natasha says as soon as pietro sets her down.

"Poor peter"wanda's laughter died down.

"Oh, I already solved that"you smile as you pressed a couple of buttons as a screen showed up and there were the clueless avengers.

Bucky's night vision immediately picked up as he looked around. Peter was visibly pale and strange was finding a way to get out.

"Of course you thought about that"natasha shook her head.

"Happy halloween in 3, 2, 1"you counted off as you pressed a button and smiled devishly.

And in a splash of water, the tower and cameras went black, the windows now had some sort of powder coated on it, and the groans and retorts oft the men was soon heard, "GET THIS BLOODY THING OFF OF ME" yep, that was loki

"WHAT ARE YOU PUTTING ON ME -- AAAHHHHH"sam shrieked as your laughter doubled as wanda laughed too, pietro and tony joined in as natasha chuckled as she shook her head.

Steve is going to kill you

In a couple of minutes the tower windows were opened as you raised your hands and tony picked you up to go on the rooftop, followed by pietro wanda and natasha.

The laughter soon appeared as the ones who got stuck at the tower was dressed as disney princesses; the outfit, the make up. Their faces of annoyance as they glared at you into oblivion.

"I hate you"bucky glared at you "Nice dress, Rogers. Uniform didn't suit you well?"tony joked as steve was not looking impressed and you should be scared but he was wearing a blue dress and looked ridiculous so it was hard to take him seriously either.

"I am never going in this tower again, know that"stephen huffed as he tried to pry off the dress that he was wearing; you must say that ref was really his color.

And loki; ohhh loki. Aurora can be damned, he looked beautifully annoyed.

"Payback"you fistbumped tony.

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