Groupchat | Avengers special

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a/n: pls its been almost a month HWHSHDJ but heyy hello i am back hehehehehe

Y/n has made a groupchat.
Y/n has added Steve, Thor, and Natasha

y/n: heyyy, jet update?

steve: the rest of the team is waiting on the jet, we are only waiting on tony

thor: such a small man yet he carries so many baggage, how does one do that?

natasha: he's tony stark, why does he do anything?

y/n: im preparing our place here at the beach, bucky and pietro are a big help

natasha: great idea of coming in two batches, steve :)

steve: thanks romanoff :)

thor: Y/N LOOK
thor: LOOK Y/N

y/n: OMG OMG

steve: what? what's happening?

natasha: oh god, not this again

thor: :0

y/n: :0
y/n: omg thor

thor: omg y/n

steve: tasha look, they're doing it again

natasha: i know steve, i know.

y/n: ship is sailing EHEHHEHE

thor: i shall tell it to brother, he will be very happy

steve: again with the ships??? what do they mean?? are they some sort of code??

natasha: oh my god

Tony has been added

tony: has anyone seen my iron man floatie? the one with the cup holder?

thor: STARK. LOOK.

tony: :0

tony: omg y/n

y/n: IKR!!! romanogers tenenenenen

thor: oh and i have not seen your floatie, stark

steve: it's already here, tony, hurry up, bucky's waiting

natasha: and y/n

Pietro has been added

pietro: wow, after what i have done to prepare the beach side, you ignore me

y/n: you clingy mf. i left to get the cooler 2 minutes ago

thor: i will accompany you, speedster

pietro: thor, no offense, but i dont like your company

tony: :O

natasha: :O

steve: :O

thor: :(

y/n: i sure hope you still have legs when i get to you

pietro: thor i am so sorry; i love you, did you know that one time when-

y/n: excuses won't spare you from my wrath.

Pietro has been disconnected

steve: omg nat

natasha: omg steve

tony: omg i found my bag, let's goooo

Tony has been disconnected

Natasha has been disconneced

Steve has been disconnected

thor: y/n!! the cooler!!!

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