Part 3

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Alex POV

Waking up I couldn't find Tiffany. I knew it was to good to be true. Shaking my head I got ready for school.

Walking down stairs I see my brother making coffee "what's up little brother

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Walking down stairs I see my brother making coffee "what's up little brother." Not feeling like talking I just nod and went to my car. After the 20 minute drive to school I parked then made my way into the building.

Walking inside I wish I didn't I saw Tiffany by her locker with Jason. He bent over and whisper something in her ear and she laughed my feelings was hurt so I just left. Not being able to watch anymore. I knew she didn't want a stuttering freak I don't know why I got my hopes up. It's only been a day anyway.

Walking into my first period I went sat next to someone else. Tiffany came in a few minutes later. Looking for something or someone when her eyes landed on me and where I was sitting I was sure I saw hurt flash through her eyes. She went to our table and sat by herself.

After the class was over I was the first one out. I'm pretty sure I heard her call my name. But I didn't stop or turn around.

Tiffany POV.

Waking up early so I can looking good for big daddy. I decided to wear all black and black jeans that make my ass look tasty.

Throwing on  jeans over up putting on my red wig and my red bag to match my hair I did my make up

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Throwing on jeans over up putting on my red wig and my red bag to match my hair I did my make up. Looking in the mirror I said "oooh you looking yummy" walking downstairs I see my mom had already left.

Getting in to my car I drove the 15 minutes to school. Getting in I went to my locker to have closed in my face "what the" I looked up to see the same boy from yesterday. "You looking good today" he said is that supposed to be compliment? "I look good everyday" I said rolling my eyes. Turning around so now I looking at him I noticed I'm caged in.

"Go out with me" he asked. "Now why will I do that" I asked looking into his eyes. He bent down and whisper in my ears "well you don't have go out with me. Just let go in you." He said ewwww. I laughed at him and then kicked him in the balls. Grabbing my books and leaving for class that I share with my boo thang.

Walking into class feeling good until I realize Alex wasn't at my table. I frown and look for him he was sitting next to some girl. Okay that sting. Sitting at what's supposed to be our table with my feelings hurt.

Maybe I cane on a bit to strong. I can't help it ,I'm just a tad aggressive and like to very clear with my claims. He's so shy I probably overwhelmed him sighing I took out my text book and start my work.

When the class was over he was the first one out I tried to catch up to him even called his name a few times but he didn't stop that stung. I just walked off and head to class.
Walking out of my last class of the day thinking about how Alex ignored me all day. To say I was hurt was an understatement. I'm one of the last people to leave school because I left my wallet in my locker. After I got it I made my way out of school but ran into someone.

"What the hell!" I said and looked up and saw Alex. I looked at him for a while then walked away. I don't care how cute he is. No one going to play with my emotions. A hand grasp my arm. "What!" I yelled

"I-I'm so-sorry." I looked at him "why" was all I asked "y-you l-left a-and this mo-morning y-you were w-with Jason I-I T-thought" I cut him off by kissing him he grabbed my waist then kissed back hand wonder down then squeeze my butt I moaned. I pulled away his face down to his neck was red. "One I don't like no one but you. Two you have to talk to me you can't just assume Communication is key. Three you saw me with "Jason" I didn't even know that was his name but I kicked him the balls this morning." I said he nod at what I said and kissed my forehead.

"Wanna come to my house today when I left last night it was already 12 my mom almost gutted me." He nodded yes laughing at me we both took off in our cars. Pulling in to my driveway I was grabbing my things to look up and see he already had my door open for me. I smiled at him.

Grabbing his hand unlocking my house and pulling him to my room. I went to the bathroom and changed into something more comfortable. Them jeans was eating my ass.

Coming out he was looking at me blushing

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Coming out he was looking at me blushing. I hand him some sweats that I brought what are too big so he can change. He back only the pants on and no shirt. I couldn't help but lick my lips. "Damn you look lick-able" he blush I wonder how far that blush goes.

Going into my bag I took out my homework and got started he did the same. We were listening to music and doing our homework when there was a knock at my bedroom door. "Sweety who's car outside ooh" my mom said looking at him "you are cute." She said and I groan. Alex just blushed.

"I only came to tell you I have to work a double. I'll be back in the morning." She kissed my cheek and left. After we was done with our homework I turned on Netflix and decided to watch Johnny test.

Laying down with Alex joining me. I felt him staring at me while we're cuddle up I looked at him and smiled "what" I ask he dip his head down and kissed me. I was shocked at first but melted into it.

We're currently having a full make out session. I somehow end up on top of him while he's squeezing my ass I'm working on my fourth hickey. Gatta mark my territory then he didn't something I thought he was too shy for he starts to grind into me. I moan into his neck. He flipped us over and start to mark my neck and grind into me more with my legs rapped around his waist.

He stop after about the 6th hickey. But kept grinding he put his lips back onto mine and got the build up in my stomach. I came with him right after me. He blushed deep red when he realized what had just happen. Sitting up he moved me to his lap he took a deep breath and said slowly but surely "will you go on a date with me" he didn't stutter once and I was proud. "It's about time you asked" we both laughed at what I said we continue to cuddle.

It was now 8pm and I'm walking him out the door and yes I got his number. "Call me when you reach home" I said looking up at him he nod yes give one more kiss then left.

Sitting in my room I'm thinking are we moving a bit to fast. I mean this second day we're already dry humping. Sighing hopefully it all works out.

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