Part 14

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David POV

I don't know what's wrong and why can't I get them to break up. It's starting to piss me off. I just want her in my life. Sitting in my car cross the street from her house I see straight through her window. She looks so beautiful taking pictures of her so I can have for later.

Pulling out of her panties I stole from out of Alex room I give it sniff. It smells so good it wasn't even clean but her pussy smells just like bananas and cherries. Weird combination I know but it smells heavenly.

My patients is getting thin I want her and I will have her. It's getting late I should go home. Don't worry my princess Daddy's coming for you. Soon!

Alex POV

Dustin friend keeps making passes at Tiffany and it's getting on my nerves. He just looks at her like she's something to eat. I know she beautiful but she's mines and I don't like to share.

I'm currently sitting on my bed, Tiffany's birthday is a week away and I have it all planned out. We are going to Disney World. I know she always wanted to go but her mom could never afford it. But I got it my brother is coming and bringing his girlfriend Ashley. Which I hope Tiffany don't have to fight her. And Her brother wants to come with the girl he's been seeing.

So it's like a triple date. I know she's going to love it. I also have it so she can dress up like her favorite Disney princess. She's is going to love me forever.

Sighing There's a knock on my door. It opens and Brittany came in "no no no out out out. Your not allowed in my room Tiffany will kill me and you this time no matter the situation" I said pushing her out.

"I just want to apologize I" she started but I stopped her "the person you should apologize to is my girlfriend." I then closed the door in her face and locked it. I'm not losing Tiffany for some dumb shit.

I almost lost my shit when we had to take her to the hospital. I don't think I will be to make it if she leaves me. The doctor also give us the green light to have sex again. But we haven't been alone in a long time. My cousin came over for a couple of days so I had to stay home with him instead of seeing the love of my life.

Zion my cousin is 22, Him and Trey are the best of friends. We don't really get along that well he's the reason Brittany and I broke up. She wanted to be with him but he just used her then left her. When she saw him she ran to our guest room and she avoids him at all cost. He also heard about Tiffany but I promise you he tries that shit with Tiffany I won't be the nice little cousin anymore.

Sighing going into the living room sitting with Trey and Zion talking about some girl they both smashed. The front door opened showing my princess. My mom give her keys she's at the point where she can be around Brittany and not punch her.

"Big daddy I'm home" she yelled out and I smile and blushed. She walks over to me and I see Zion from the corner of eye lick his lips. I will beat his ass. She came up to me and sat on my lap giving me a kiss. Looking over at the couch she smiled. "Hey Trey" she sang "and I'm sorry I didn't get your name" she said to Zion. He smirked "I'm Zion" did his voice just squeak!

 He smirked "I'm Zion" did his voice just squeak!

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