Part 23

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Tiffany POV

Urg I have a headache and this pain in my stomach is just getting worst. Probably Braxton Hicks contractions I've been having these hoes since yesterday. Groaning I get up and looked around what the fuck. Is this our old house.

Walking around my door is locked and the window is glued shut. "What the hell is going on" rubbing my belly I went to use to the bathroom walking out someone sitting on the bed. "Are you fucking kidding me" I yelled annoyed.

Alex POV

It's been two days I still don't know where Tiffany is. It's driving me crazy all Dustin keep doing is apologizing but no one is speaking to him. Not even his girlfriend he knew we had to watch her. He knew, I will never forgive him if something happen to either of them.

Police are on a man hunt looking for Tiffany and it's driving me crazy. Also some officers are here trying to find out where their at. "I got it" Dustin yelled "got what?" My mom asked. "Snapchat. He turned off his location but he never remembers to turn it off for Snapchat. I'm so stupid" he took out his phone and looked.

I got beside him "is he"? I heard behind me a sinister smile creep onto my face. I never thought I will be the one to follow in my grandfathers footsteps. But here we go I'm going to kill him. I'm coming for you Justin.

Tiffany POV

I've been here two days and I'm in the upmost pain. Banging on the door "ay asswipe let me out." I am livid that I've been kidnapped I'm even more livid I think I'm in labor. I can't have my baby here. He wants to kill my baby I can't let that happen.

He opened the door "what?" Justin said. "You know Justin I thought we were friends" I looked at him tearing up a bit the pain and my hormones have me a mess. "I'm sorry Tiffany. I have to do it I need the money" he said. "If you needed money that bad I would had given it to you." He looked at me. We're having a full staring contest then all of sudden a gush of water went down my legs.

Justin looked at me shocked "did you just piss yourself" I'm trying to think quick so he doesn't know my baby coming. "My bad I can't control my bladder" I said rolling my eyes as another contraction hit. "Justin come on I'll double whatever money David is giving you. Just let us go" I said my legs bucking the pain is beginning to be to much.

"Just shut up Tiffany damn." I snap my lips together walking in the bathroom looking the door. The pain is really getting bad I have this feeling I'm going to have to deliver this baby on the bathroom floor.

Tears rolling down my eyes I find something to  barricade the door. So he can't get in I got this leather belt I found I the closest. They just had forgot it. Rapped it around the towel rap.

Taking off my clothes I took a shower

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Taking off my clothes I took a shower. Drying my self off I made a pallet of towels so I can sit on the floor. "Alex please hurry find us." I said with a tears running down my face. I suddenly felt the need to push so started to. I'm pushing and pushing. Then I heard a Boom noise from downstairs. Yells, screams and guns shots being heard.

I kept pushing though I couldn't stop. Putting my hands between my legs I pulled. Pulling and pushing which on for what felt like forever. Until one big push and I heard a crying. Looking at my baby I smiled it's a boy! Then their was beating at the door. I could answer I didn't have the energy.

My eyes start to drop but I kept my baby close to me. No one taking my baby. No one.  Then I heard a loud crash everything seems fuzzy I feel like I'm underwater. "Baby baby come on baby. You did a great job I'm so proud of you" it sounds like Alex. "Alex it's a boy" I said with a small smile then everything went dark.

Alex POV.

We kicked the door in they had men everywhere gunshots heard through out the house. I saw Justin and tackled him. Punch after punch I kept going I'm going to kill him but then I heard a scream. Tiffany scream I searched him took keys off of him. I got up about to walk up the steps. I turned around and shot it in the head.

Getting the bedroom door open I don't see her in the room. Getting to the bathroom door I'm banging on it. Then I heard it crying not just any crying. Baby crying? I took a step back and kept throwing myself at the door. A police officer came in with one of things they use in movies after two hits it was open.

What I saw my heart drop Tiffany had giving birth on the floor. Holding our baby very tightly. I ran to her while the office calling the ambulance "baby baby come on stay with me. You did a great job baby." She looked at me and smiled but she seemed out of it. "Alex look it's a boy" she said smiling at me. I give her a small smile "yes baby it's a boy" I kissed her forehead looking at her she closed her eyes.

"Baby baby wake up. Baby wake up" the paramedics came rushing in. Someone pushed me out the way but I kept fighting to get to them. I watched them wheeled them way. My whole life being wheeled away before my eyes. "TIFFANY TIFFANY WAKE UP BABY WAKE UP. LET ME GO LET ME GO" I'm yelling and fighting to get to them. But the won't let me go. Their holding me down while they wheel my whole family away.

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