Part 25

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Tiffany POV

I can finally leave this horrid place. I hate hospitals Alex is grabbing all my things and the stuff the nurses packed for me. I have my baby I'm not comfortable with him being out my site. It might get better once we get home but for now it's a no.

Sighing the nurse brought a wheelchair in for me I sat in it with my baby in arms. Alex put Aj in his  car seat and then left me in my the back seat. I feel extremely tired I haven't had a good night sleep in about 3 weeks and can't wait to get to my bed.

Getting home my mom took the baby Trey and Dustin got all our things and Alex helped me out the car. Walking me to our room telling me to wait after about 10 minutes they called me into the next room.

and may I say it was beautiful grey is absolutely one of my favorite colors

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and may I say it was beautiful grey is absolutely one of my favorite colors. I couldn't help but cry thanking them very much. But what really got me was the finishing touch that Alex did for me.

In the room are cameras which when we go in our room there is a whole television where we can watch it. Basically a bigger version of a baby cam. Also theirs an app where don't matter where am at I can watch him. Once there's WiFi on my phone.

Aj was currently down for a nap and I was taking a shower. Deep in thought I didn't hear when the shower door opened. Alex stepped in and start to wash my body and hair. Over the time we've been together he's done a great job with learning to do my hair.

Also if we was having a girl he wanted to know how to do hers. I found it sweet especially when his mom when in with him. She said she have to be prepared. Sighing it felt so good I started to moan softly. "Baby I'm really going to need you to stop doing that" I laughed softly at him.

Helping me out the shower he dried me off and let me put on that big ass pad alone then giving me shirt. Laying down in bed he rubbed my head trying to get me to rest. Deciding it will be best to sleep while my baby is.

Waking up to Aj crying she was out of bed. It's 2 in the afternoon and she was hungry. But had to feed the baby first sitting in the rocking chair she started to breastfeed. Turning on the tv watching Scooby Doo. After Aj was done she burped and changed his diaper.

Walking downstairs with him in her arms just as Alex was walking in with Chinese food. "Ooh baby I hoped he slept longer so we didn't have to wake you" he said walking up to me pecking my lips. "It's okay" I said we walked into the kitchen.

Sitting down he took the food out putting on the table. A few minutes later everyone was walking in sitting at the kitchen table. "Do you mind?" Jessica asked I shook my head no and she took Aj so I can eat.

Since we all missed thanksgiving they planned this one. With Chinese food I laughed but it was sweet. "So school will be opening up soon. What are the plans" my mom said.

Sighing "I'm not going back. I'm just going to stay home with Aj until time to go to college" I said and everyone nod and agreed it will probably be best. "I have go because I wont have all my credits until March. But making a deal with teaches and principal I only have to do two days out the week. Mainly to return assignments. So I can be able to help Tiffany." Alex said looking at me I didn't even know he made these plans.

"I don't want you feeling like your alone in this baby It's me and you" I nod and kissed his cheek holding back my tears I'm still a little bit overly emotional. My mom and Jessica was happy that we had things planned out and not just winging it.

"Tiffany how does that effect graduation" Jessica asked. "It doesn't I can still walk down the aisle and get my diploma like everyone else. All my credits are complete I also have some college credits. Enough where I can graduate in three years instead of four" I said. Jessica whispered in my mom ear. She thought I didn't hear but I did "their going to be good at this" she said.

"We're proud of both you." They said I smiled and Alex wiped the tear from under my eye. After all is said and done we cleaned up going to our room. I pumped a bit putting it in the fridge in our room.

Sighing I'm extremely tired emotionally and physically. Doing as my doctor said sleep while Aj slept.


"It's okay baby mommy looking for it. Your okay" I can't find Aj's pacifier and he won't sleep without it. Which meant he missed his nap and is very cranky. He won't stop crying he just keeps crying.

Kneeling on the floor crying to myself looking frantically around for pacifier. He just keeps getting louder and louder and I can barely hear myself think. "JUST STOP CRYING SO I CAN THINK". I yelled which only made it worst.

Grabbing him and sitting on the floor "shh shh it's okay mommy is so sorry for yelling" I said kissing his cheek. Rocking back and forth he's still crying and I'm having a mental break down.

"Hey hey hey what happened" Alex came running in dropping his school bag on the floor. "I-I just can't do it Alex h-he won't stop crying" I'm now sobbing "baby go take a shower give him to me. It's okay" he took Aj from my arms and lead me to the bathroom. 2 minutes later Aj has stopped crying why can't he do that with me.

Am i that bad of a mother I'm sitting in the middle of the shower with my knees to my chest and head in my arms. Crying my eyes out.

I don't know how long I've been in here like this all I felt was me being carried out the shower. Alex didn't say anything he just dried me off. Putting one of shirts over my head and brought me to straddle him. Putting my head on his shoulder he began to talk.

"It's okay baby I'm here I'm always here. You can't keep everything in we are a team and if you need a break you tell me. Your mental health is the most important thing. You hold our family together" he kissed my head and rocked me to sleep.


Waking up worried because I slept longer then I should wondering why the baby didn't wake me up. Looking at the monitor I saw Alex sitting in the rocking chair with the baby on his chest. Turning it up so I hear I sat up and just listen to him talk to our baby the more he spoke the more I cried.

"You know Alexander you have the best mommy out there. She is so strong and went through so much. She never gave up or complain. Not when she tired , scared, feeling down and alone she still always did her best. I'm going to marry her one day in the very near future. I'll be a fool to let the best thing in my life get away." Sighing

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for your birth I should had been there. I should had took your mom with me when I went out. But I making a promise to you that no one I mean no one will never hurt you and your mom again. I'll always be here to protect both of you" he said starting to cry softly while he held our baby.

Turning the volume off because that is a moment between father and son. She laid back down watching the monitor. Watching the two most important and beautiful people in her life interact. Watching this made her content it give her hope and strength. She knew she can overcome anything once those two people where by her side.


I'm going to let you guys decide it's either I do a Book 2 or I just add to this book.
It's your choice just comment and let know.

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