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𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙮

The next morning came quickly or is it just me? I'm dressing in all black, I want o divert all the unnecessary attention...I know, I know that won't help but still ...never in my life time have ever got so many attention and just because of a dumb fake-ass bimbo..I wonder what the police found and if they found out that I was there the night of her murderer, they're gonna wanna ask me questions...that I cannot answer..I just cant. It's all my fault anyways. She did get to say the last words, I can't forget it was a heartbreaking.

Martha was like a sister I never had, we had different personalities but we managed to get through and became great friends. She had blonde hair and I brunette.., she had blue eyes and I brown, I had a somewhat nerdy type of personality and she she had a badass type.. I know... But opposites attract..right??

I walked into school with my head held high, hoody on my head earphones in my ear; as I stepped in I can sense every pair of eyes that looks into my direction. I can spot Asher, Nick and Sana..Oooou something happened but I can't put a finger on it. They were eyeing maybe whispering amongst themselves l, too bad I can't hear them because I have in my earphones. I need to get to my locker and get to class but I can't...I can't because that was where Sana is. I can go there.

Yes, I can..I just have a few steps:
1.Just go there open your locker,
2.take out your books
3.,close locker
4. then head to class
Simple and that's what I'm gonna do. Martha must be laughing at me she would be like 'bitch man up'

I completed the first three steps already. I felt a tap my left shoulder, I looked left to see Sana looking at me, she wanted me to talk to her. Okay. I took out my headphones.

"I'm sorry." She said looking somewhat ashamed.

"Whats the point of saying sorry when you don't mean it that's just a waste of time."

"I know I'm probably the worst friend ever, I want to make it up to you." I made a move to walk away. Make it up to me..huh

"its okay..I forgive you." I said. I'm serious, I gave that a thought last night and I realized that it wasn't her fault...again, I mean our friendship is just blossoming it hasn't bloomed as yet, who knows if it will bear or it will die but I do know it isn't her fault and one thing about me I own up to my mistakes or whatever, I'm not the type of person to pin something on someone. I'm very understanding and so what I did was to to put myself in her shoes and I realized I would've done the same thing..she was in a state of shock frozen by fear.

"Really!!" She exclaimed. I nodded my head but what I didn't know is that we have an audience. She came to hug me. Uh.. okay

"Easy there." I said taking her off me gently.

"I have something to tell you."

"Sana" a different voice butted in. Nick, when did he get here and..and Asher too? I was so caught up in physical attraction and due to your dissatisfaction, you're only just a friend. Look sebs now is not the time. I talked back to my subconscious.

I saw Nick exchange a look with Sana. Oh I know that look. It's a look that says "Shut the hell up" I just know it.

"Okay, I need to go and if you'll excuse me I have a class to get to." And by this I was on my way to the class I have now. Oh god,please help me get through this day.


"Okay class, thank you for joining and participating please look over the notes that you got, you never know when quiz might pop up, please do enjoy the rest of your day, class is dismissed." The teacher said as she exited before thrown in the crowd of student. *Sighs* I gotta start studying mid sessional is coming up. It will soon be the middle of the month of February is the 08, one month away from my birthday . I sighed for the umpteenth time today. What's wrong with me? I'm sighing a lot lately.

I'm now on my way to exchange my books at my locker uh- I mean the schools locker that was assigned to me so it's basically mine..duh..

I hope I manage to get through the day..which subject do I have now?...What day is today..uh.. Tuesday so I guess I have umm...English? I hope Miss is better..I don't wanna die of boredom especially since I don't know where Sana and I stand....it's confusing...what we have. Oh I do not want to get in that right now. I forgot that maybe the police maybe coming today. Now its really time I stop thinking. Police,police, police..I don't think LPS Division is gonna be investigating this they might have contacted the Southern Texas Department...I don't know if they have found the killer..if they don't shits gonna go down. They will arrest me take me in for investigation and I'll have to call...no it won't go to that...uh- I think but just me keep a positive energy about this...I'm NOT GUILTY...so I got NOTHING to worry about.


"Class Miss Newman said maybe she'll be coming in next week she said you could prepare for a worksheet." Miss Newman still isn't well.. that cold must be severe are she's just faking it. Whatever. Speaking of which, Sana didn't come to class today.. I wonder why?

Ah whatever y'all should know it's my favorite time of the day. Lunch time. L-U-N-C-H T-I-M-E. As usual I went into the line and did the same old same old nothing new but the whispering is still here everyone is still remembering yesterday... I was wondering... Is that thing that they use in M.I.B to let people forget things real? I could really use it help right now.

What's she still doing here?

Shut up, what if she killed that girl don't you know she could easily kill you too?

Do you think she did it?

Who knows?, Believe me it's the first I'm seeing her since yesterday.

The whispers continued and it went on and on. I sat at my Usual table. I looked round just in time to see Sana and Nick coming in all flustered.Ouuuuu they missed class because they were busy now everything started to make sense. San said she got something to tell and at that time Nick butted in because he didn't want her telling anyone they are keeping it private and now Sana didn't come to class cuz she was busy making out or what not with Nick...Wait where Asher.. I looked around to spot him with Victoria and her girls at his previous table, he's so busy, he's so oblivious, oh hell is gonna lose when he finds out but who cares.. I don't.. I don't think he'll find out if someone doesn't tell him.

Y thinking was interrupted by someone sitting down.

"Cassie, so much has happened yesterday, I wanna say I'm sorry and I got something to tell yo-." she was cut off by me.

"I know I know you and lover boy confessed your undying love for each other."

"How did you know?"

"You just told me." God you know how long I wanted to use that line on someone she gave me a look "Okay, okay, it was pretty obvious, you missed class and then came looking all flustered." she blushed deep red.

"Ok, let me tell you-" She was interrupted once again but this time it isn't by me..

(To be continued......)

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