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"So fill me in." Chris said as we sat down.

"There is nothing really." I replied

"You're boring you know that? Okay we haven't met in what?...three years and in that three years nothing interesting happened?" He questioned putting on a boring face

"Uh... Yeah." I said. It's pretty he doesn't know..what has happened to me in those three years..I went to hell and came back stronger than ever.

"Haven't change one bit huh?"He asked smiling.

"Haha..it's the same ol' me just a little more fabulous." I said trying to crack a joke.

"Haha." he laughed

"What about you Mr.Monroe?" I asked switching around.

"it has been great...so far..I lost a best friend and that wasn't easy and at that time I lost you also cuz I had no idea where you went."

"Uh, about that, my aunt got a promotion and we had to move to France." I said half telling the truth..he doesn't know either.

"The hell really? Girl you were living it up...any hot guys there?" He asked clearly surprised.Oh did I forget to tell you he's gay for a badboy... yes that's what he wants people to think but he's really my pinky.

"Uh..I didn't go out much."

He made a yawning sound as to say boring.

"Hello, Good Evening, Maddie's Diner, I'll be your waitress for now what can I get you?" A girl look 18 said.

"Uh...I'll just have a Coke and Cheeseburger, oh and a slice of pizza make that two...and and extra ,extra, extra, large fries." I said..I think that's good for today.

"And I'll just have the same minus the pizza and fries." Chris said.

She jotted that down and went to wherever.

"So...I just ended a relationship." Chris declared.

"Oh... oh my are you okay."

"Yup...It wasn't mine."

"Oh my God pinky." I exclaimed.

"What?...you know how long I wanted to say that line..damn."

"Here's your Order, enjoy." She said.

And at that I took my order and enjoy as she said... Mmmh when last did I had a cheeseburger...I don't know..I have been really busy with school and dance and my new book... speaking of which I'm expecting a call from my Manager..I'm supposed to go on a Interview..yup an interview but I need a disguise I don't want anyone knowing I'm a writer..hey it's not bad but I'm okay with people not knowing my plans when I decide to come out..I want it to come out a shock.. totally unexpected.
I want people to be like..
Who's she?
How did she get so famous?
What not...I want to be a surprise..I'm not really famous,famous but I have fans people who adore me love my writing because it's life story..it's true and most people go through what I write about.
All those stuff is what I think about as I finished up my meal.

"Your still a foodie..some things never change." Chris said wiping off the cheese that have gotten on his lips.

"You got that right...Food is bae..I love food ..food loves me."

"Uh...Brainy..I think it time to go.i have to look at this apartment." Chris said..

He called the waiter and paid for our orders..even mine..even when I told him I'll do it.. Stubborn old Chris..

Time to go to dance studio I see. I didn't wanna go but a girl gotta work to pay the bills..At this young age.When I should be focusing on solely school and college but my struggles are my blessings and if I could start over again; I wouldn't change a thing, I wouldn't trade a thing..Life is full of struggles well for some people and that's just how life is for me..I wasn't born with gold spoon so I don't have to play around with.

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