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English was very.Uh...umm.uncomfortable. I can't concentrate with someone drilling holes in my back and I have a very good idea of who it is. Why the hell is he looking at me and let me tell the anger is resurfacing as I recall the words that he said to me yesterday.  We are learning about..Uh I didn't get the topic. Don't blame me.

“Ssssssptttt, Sana.” I called out to Sana. She turned her attention to to me.“What is the topic?” I questioned. “It's Contrast.” She said.Oh..The teacher went on and on and on and on and....okay i should probably stop,but you got me right?After one thousand, six hundred and eighty seven years of boredom...Its time for lunch. Finally. Let me tell you I love English, it's because Miss is Sick and there is another teacher here soo.yeah.We gathered my stuff and exited my the class, Sana by my side. As usual we went into the line and ordered the lunch and went sit. She started telling me what happened before English Class. This dude is seriously getting on my last nerve and he's on the last thread and when it's cut Amma punch the hell outta him. I have some encouraging words as usual and we diverted the topic of how I should be a therapist or something. Hell no...

“Which college do you plan on attending?” I asked.

“uh..I honestly don't know.... yet.”

“I understand.” and what saw next got me... Angry, mad..wait I'm already mad..

Ash-hole is coming here with Nick-ard....no no no no no...that's not all they got the crazy bimbos with them.. Victoria, Mazy and that red-headed...I don't remember her name...What not like they are interest.

“Hey don't look but Asher and Nick are coming along with those crazy bimbos.” I whispered to Sana. Oh I must be stupid.

But I'm not they are actually coming over here with them.

“Really?” She asked and as she did they sat right now.. she got her answer.

“Babe? What are we doing over here with these nerds?” Victoria asks Asher.He didn't answer to her but...oh.he has the nerve to talk us.“Sup guys?” We didn't even answer. Sana rolled her eyes, he not getting any reaction from me though.

“ Sana, hey what's wrong?” he asked..he's clueless.

“Sana where we're you last night?” he asked again. Is it me or is this guy getting pretty annoying.

“Cass-” Now he turned to me.. I laughed yeah...yeah I did.loudly at that.

“Babe, is this bitch okay?” And now it's time for me to stop laughing. Anger clouded my vision.

“What did you this call me, slut?” I seethed, now this reminds me of Navia.

“Bitch.” she said smugly.

“okay, get you fake ass over here lemme show you who's a bitch.” I said. If it was Sana, I wouldn't have any problem.

“Cass, calm down  let's go.” Lee said angrily. Yup she's angry too especially since red headed is sitting right on Nick's lap and he ain't doing shit about it. Pa-the-thic. I did as I was told but someone didn't get the message because the words that came out of her mouth angered me. “Yeah that's right Cassandra, can't do anything about it...huh? Coward as you have always been..I know your dirty little secret.” She said smirking.

“What did you just say?” I asked panicking.

“Yeah,.” and then she continued “EVERYBODY!!” That gain everyone's attention especially Sana, Nick and Asher. “THIS LITTLE NERD RIGHT HERE ISN'T WHO YOU THINK SHE IS, SHE'S A KILLER, KILLED THIS GIRL HER NAME IS MARTHA, THEY WERE SISTERS!!” SHE SHOUTED. What the heck? She looked at me and walked up to me.Everyone jaws are hanging

“Yeah Cassie, I have proof, I dig them up.” She started showing Asher, then Nick then Sana then whole entire Cafeteria they gasped. I also want to see what they are gasping about I looked to see my long time best friend Martha, they also said she committed suicide but I know that , that isn't true she would never ever do something like that. We look alike, we don't have the same eye color though. I didn't wanna remember her so I convinced myself that I didn't have any friend..she was the only friend that I could trust but this idiot brought her up.

“HOW COULD YOU!!, YES SINCE YOU SAY I'M A KILLER STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME OR ELSE YOU'LL BE THE NEXT ONE!!” I shouted, Asher dragged Sana to her side. I looked at Sana to see fear in her eyes. Wow...just...Wow...I thought she knew me better than that. I went to Victoria and slapped her right across the face..She deserved that, Martha was to be remembered but not by a rumour.

Now we started fighting. I dragged her hair and she fell. I sat on her and started punching her.

“GET HER OFF OF HER BEFORE SHE KILLS HER!!” Someone shouted. I then stop. Whispered were heard all around.

It's true she's a murderer.

Oh god , she probably escaped a facility.

She's mad.

“I don't want you hanging around Sana anymore, I knew I was right.” Asher said

“But I have my bags at her place.”Sana said trembling.

“We'll get it later.”

The principal arrived as I was reported. These idiots following a foolish girl. So, so,so, so stupid.


The day went on slowly, Now it's time to go home..I was keeping strong... When I went into the principal's office, she called a police because Victoria told them I was a killer. The police held on to me  but then let me go they said they would do investigation and we would find out anything as early as tommorow so I gotta wait but still I did nothing but Everyone is looking at me disgustedly whispering amongst themselves and I was all alone now..Sana would glance at me here and there but I looked away she didn't even defend me same like yesterday but I don't blame her...I don't.... All I have to do is go home, bathe,make dinner and watch movie.
To the

Oh and I did get a one week detention because this is the first and of Victoria is lying...which she is, she's gonna get one week suspension.
That's it.


I went inside and did exactly what I said I would...dinner is making and I'm here watching Shadowhunters. I heard a knock. I went to open it and Saw Nick,Sana and Asher, why the hell are they here...oh Sanaya bags. I opened the door further from them to go in and do whatever and went back to my movie, no words were said. All of them went, I honestly don't know why all of them has to go.. extra protection I guess.

Oh I forgot that I'm cooking, today's menu is pasta. Yay..

“Is it true?” I heard a voice, I recognized as Nick's. I turned around to see all of  them... Seriously???. I laughed.

“Did you ask that when I was being humiliated, wait lemme answer that...Hell nah..So why are you in here acting like y'all care, what you wanna do... humiliate me again, I think not, Did you get what you're looking for, now get out.”

“Were sorry.” Sana said.

“Whatever, you aren't real friends anyway, especially Asher to think I was starting to like you.” I said angrily. “Now if you are finished doing whatever you came here for, get the hell outta this house.” I said turning around.

Was I too harsh?, But it is the truth.

Maybe I'm never meant  to have friends anyways... probably for the best.


Damn  you Victoria....What do you think will happen in the next chapter?

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