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Miss just came to class,told us to read the book and then she said she had to run an errand and then out she went.I released a scoff, a quiet one might I add. All of us know she these so called "errands" is to hook up with Mr.James. I serious I caught them one day I swear that day scarred me, and until now I kept it to myself.

“I was wondering, how far in the book are you?” Asharia asked breaking me from my train of thoughts.

“I'm finished.”

“No way...I'm just at page 79.” She said whining with a cute little pout...I took my time to assess her beauty...she's pretty, with those grey eyes and if you look closely you'll see a speck of blue swirling in them...I wonder how Asher's own look up close...Oh good why am I thinking about him?

“Good for you.” Was what  I told her with a little laugh. We then went into our own little world after;Sharia reading and I ...I am drawing..I honestly don't know what im drawing but I do know that I'm drawing a boy...just by it's sharp Jawline... Ooouuu this boy is going to be hot.

*Minutes later*
My masterpiece is finally finished yayy...I now look at it and the guy I drew looks familiar...Hmm...

“He looks devilishly handsome and I think I know who he is.” Sharia said looking at my work.

“Who!?” My ever so curious self enquired.

“My bro skii.” She said wiggling her brows...

I tilted my head to get a better look at my masterpiece and it indeed looks like Asher, you don't even have to take a second glance to figure it out..Well maybe someone who doesn't..

“It indeed looks like a better version of your bro skii.” I finally confirmed...I turned to face her “If you dare tell anyone about this I'll cut off your balls.”

Shanti laughed at that. I'm so glad to have her back.

*Lunch Time*

Lunch time came quicker than anticipated. Well not for me of course.Before this we had History and It was....well any words that History can be Described as.

But Asher, Nick and Shanti...Let's not forget Chris...We all resolved our conflict and decided to act like mature teenagers...Key word being act..We are far from mature, don't tell Asher that though...his ego level will go down.

Asher and Chris seemed to be having a glaring contest. I wonder why.

Now back to the present..I ordered my usual and head to my usual table the rest of them behind me...all of them.

I took a seat and a conversation starts to flow. Apparently football season starts in two weeks and both Asher and Nick are on the team..

I know you can guess that Asher is The star quarter back...Gosh why does he have to be Soo perfect and a typical boy you read in books...but not all badboys play football though..so this is just a bonus...I wonder how much abs he have? My guess is a solid six packs...I feel something running down my mouth...please tell me that is because of my food...

And oh my gosh...What's wrong with me today. I get it I was in a good mood last night to this morning...even now but why am I feeling all...all dreamy and stuff?

I was brought back from my thoughts when a voice...I meant voices I recognize too well comes to my table.

“Honey dumplings, I missed you.” Victoria said putting her long manicured has around Asher's oh so hard biceps....

I looked around to see that I am not the only annoyed one here...Who wouldn't be? By just the sound of her voice you'd want to run to the hills, even mountains, jump down a cliff, disappear all of a sudden...

Chris nudged me.. Giving me a questioning look...I just shrugged my shoulders.

“Hey Nicky Boo.”  I swear to God and on my life that if this was a different I'd be laughing my ass off.Nick got himself a New nickname by Mazy of course..

She then without warning sat on his lap..that didn't shock me..this did...he didn't even push or try to push her off. His supposed girlfriend is sitting right in front of him. I raised my brows in Shanti's direction...she nodded her head sideways...like she's saying she don't know...She looked hurt for a spilt second and then quickly mask it...I would too girl I would too.

Asher on the other hand has his arms around Victoria laughing along with her...Why is my chest tightening..Why do I feel my stomach drop or is it my heart but why? It's not I like-like him...It looks like they are together...

“What is going on?” I mouthed to Shanti who was also looking in my direction...She interwined her index figure together and I know what that means...They are together...Welp I'm so happy for them but why don't I feel happy on the inside...No something is seriously wrong with me. I bowed my head...

I know one thing....

I..I think I might like Asher...

Oh I'm so fucked.

“Hey, brainy you good?” Chris whispered.

“I'm fantastic.” I said giving him my best fake smile and I know he saw right through me..

“Hey guys, something came up.” Chris stand up holding my hand..

“Ooou...I didn't see you there hot stuff.” The other minion flirted.

“Ooouu and I certainly didn't see you there either red head maybe i...hmm don't pay attention to unnecessary things.” He stated emphasizing on the things...

That bitch doesn't only act dumb...She is dumb.

She took.. Chris's insult as a first class ticket to flirt with him...

“Come on Brainy..let's go.” I waved at them and headed out with Chris.

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