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“Good, Where do babies come from?” She enquired

I looked at Asher and he's already looking at me.... looking awkward me too....babe...me too

. .

. .

. .

I suddenly got up and I wasn't the only one...Asher too.

I need to use the bathroom.” Asher and I said at the same time. I know what he's trying to do because I'm trying to do the same thing. I looked in his direction raising my eyebrows at him, he only smirked in return.

“Angel, can I use the bathroom?” He asked Ari pouting.

Ari seemed to look confused.“Why dwo you both wanna pee so suddenly?” She asked raising her brows.

“Baby, Mommy needs to pee so please tell Daddy to wait.” I said using my puppy dog eyes and also moving my legs around to make it look convincing. “Its coming down, do you want me to pee myself?”

“I guess you can go mommy, daddy will stay and answer my question.” She replied....Yassss. I need to contain my excitement.... I walked in the direction of the bathroom then turn around to look back at Asher,.Ari wasn't looking so I stick my tongue out at him and him glared at me in return..


Wonder how he's gonna get out of that.


She had to leave me here to figure this out....And the thing is she found this whole situation amusing...How do I answer?


“Why do you want to know?” I asked, hoping I could get myself out of this situation.

“Just cwurious, that's all.” I swear she acts mature for her age“Now twell mwe.”

“Uh-you know when a sausage goes into a bun?”

“Wotdogs?” She asked I nodded “Ewww. . .babies come from wotdogs!?. . . That I cwonsume?”She made a disgusting face


“Where theeeen?”

“Babies come from out of the womb.” I stated. . .no way on Earth I'm explaining where babies come from to my three year old daughter.

“Omb....What is that?”

Oh God...

“Angel, look at that, you're missing your movie just watch it. . .” That did it. Phew

Where the hell is Cassie?

“Angel, I'm going to find Cassie. . . okay be a good girl and stay right here.” I told Sharia


“Bae?” I called out as I approached Cassie's room

“In here!” She responded.

I peeked in the room to see her sitting on her bed. . . I joined her.


“Nothing. . . Just thinking that's all.”

“Care to share?”

“I. . .I'm just so happy to have you in my life. . . honestly your one of the best things that have happened to me in the past months and. . .and now we are together. . .it's just seems surreal?”

“Babe, I am so happy. . .hell happy is an understatement. . . Words can't explain how I'm feeling right now. . . You and Asharia are my world.”

Do I tell her I love her? What if she doesn't feel the same way?

How am I even going to approach the subject. . . Sighs

“I need to tell you something.” We both say at the same time.

She laughed at that. . .I chuckled

“You first.” I told her

“I. . . I . . .you know what you first.” She stated. . . suddenly nervous. . .hmm

Me first. . .Well I don't know how I'd live if I got rejected by her. . . Here goes something.

“I don't know how to say this. . .” I started off. Fuck this is so fucking hard.

“I just don't want to scare you away. . .I'm capable of doing that but I don't think. . .I don't think I can keep this to myself any longer.”

“Oh my gosh Gray, Are you dying?” She asked moving closer holding my face. . . She's making this so complicated right now. And dying. . . What the fuck?

“Princess, can you not interrupt me?” I asked. . . I'm getting frustrated. . .at myself, why is this so hard.

“Since you have a hard time saying what you have to say. . .why don't we. . .umm say it at the same time?” She suggested.

I nodded in agreement “Okay.”




“ I LOVE YOU!!” We shouted at the same time. . .

Waaaaait what!? I swear my heart just skipped a beat. . . I'm in shock. . .is this how being shock feels like. . .hell nah. . .What's the word!?

“What?” She whispered.

“I love you.” I confirmed.

“I love you too.”

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