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The sleeping bugs are finally awake! Do you know how many things I did?

I cleaned my room although it didn't need to be cleaned, infact I cleaned all the rooms in the house. . .What? I needed something to do. Then I washed plates, went and did the laundry and I made dinner.

After I had shown Asher the photo he kept pestering, pouting, and whining about how I shouldn't do that and then said that needed to send it to him. . . Like hell I will I replied with a smirk. This cute caption is mines.

And right now we are eating dinner while watching. . .Paw Patrol. . .it was actually Ari's idea not that I mind. It's a very good cartoons but someone didn't. . . That someone being Asher. I don't watch cartoons he said. . . I'm grown he said.

But his daughter couldn't take no for an answer, she held his ears and pulled it until he gave in and look at him now. . .he's so into the cartoon. . . Saying he's Chase because he's the leader and what not. Him and his big ego.

“Dada, cwan't you shushhh.” Ari said clearly aggravated with Asher as she placed her small fingers in his lips. She's an angel but you do not want to make any sort of noise while she's watching her Movies.

Gray huffed “Who do she think she is?. . . Bossing me around.” He muttered huffing.

He acted like a big baby. My big baby

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It was finally time for them to go. . . sadly.

“Call me tonight?” Asher asked holding a very tired looking Ari in his arms as we stood in the living room. I nodded and stood on my tippy toes to give him a peck on his lips. . .he returned it

“Let me walk you out.” I stated.

As i was about to open the door the doorbell rang. Who could that be?

Asher turned to me in confusion. . . I only shrugged my shoulders in return. I have absolutely no idea who that is.

Only one way to find out. I pulled the door open to see someone I never thought I'd see again. Oh...oh


She stood there with a look of annoyance.

“You must be Cassie's aunt.” Asher said. Wrong move kiddo. . .Wrong move

“Yeah and you are?” She asked him. . . looking at me with disgust.

Please don't say Boyfriend, please don't say Boyfriend. . .Why couldn't I speak?

“I am her boyfriend.” Dammit

“Oh. . .will you please get the hell out of my house let me talk to my neice?” Asher stood there shocked and what must be more shocking is that she slammed the door right in his face. . . BAM!!

She waited for his car to drive off.

She then turned to me walking slowly and I slowly backing away.

“So this is what you've been up to huh?” She asked coldly. . .chuckling don't think it's a pleasant one.
I said nothing in return. . .God why didn't I?

“Answer me you B!tch!!!” She said roughly dragging my hair. . .Tears pricking at my eyes, wanting to escape but I won't let them.

“I-i haven't been doing anything.” I stated.

“Then. . . Why was there a boy in my house.” I chuckled at that, anger running in my veins

“Your house huh?. . . Where were you when I nearly go into foster care? As a matter of fact where were you when I nearly lost this house. . . The bills weren't paid. . . Let me answer that. . . You ran off with my money with your fiance. . . Speaking of which where is he? Did you steal from him too. . . I bet you did and now you're back for what exactly. . . I suggest you get out before I call the police.” I stated firmly. . .inside I'm breaking

It was quiet for a minute before my heard. . .


My head spinning sidewards. . .There's going to be a huge bruise there tommorow

“Who are you to talk to me like that?. . . Have you forgotten your place?. . . Have you forgotten the way you used to beg me to let you go?. . . And now look at you, do you think because you have a boyfriend now make you not worthless!?”

“Did you not hear me?. . .Or are you so dumb?. . . Get out before I call the cops!?” I shouted at her.

I'm asking for a death wish. . . I don't care, I'll not let her break me again, I haven't even healed properly.

She took me my surprise when she pulled out a gun. I internally gulped. The last time I saw a gun was. . . Was when Martha died.

“I suggest you shut up. . . Now you are going to do what I say for every sound  you make, I'll shoot. . . And don't think I'll hesitate your life is in my hands just like it had always been. . .You do not want to mess with me.” She said dragging me by my hair in the direction of  the basement. . . That's where the worst beatings took place. . . What did I ever do to her?

I'm going to die. . . Aren't I ?

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