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That private investigator I hired, says he found Catherine, I made a perfect plan on how to catch her and it's working but Evan said she lives with a girl doesn't know if it's my lost daughter...I want it to be her.

I think Navia heard him talking on the phone with me because Evan said she ran away months ago with his money. Still cunning as always, I can't believe she'd do that but hen again 17 years ago I didn't expect her to do what she did....Let me tell you something it hits hard when you don't expect the unexpected.

When you expect the unexpected then there will be no trouble, it still hurts though but it will be a small pinch.


I think about her every single day...Which mother wouldn't? Unless that's not a real mother. My baby girl was taken from me, I was too naive and blindy trusted my sister.. Right now I don't even consider her a sister. When I came back from the bathroom I saw no one but a small note.

Revenge is sweet.

That's what it said, if it wasn't for the handwriting I wouldn't even know that it was Catherine who took my baby, my little girl.

She had been so jealous and obsessed with our relationship. It's like every date we went on back then she'd always be there. . . Every single one of them. . . Now that can't be a coincidence. . .can it?

I shouldn't have trusted her. . . Everything was too good to be true. . . I just wanted peace between us.

She on the other hand would always bully me, call me all type of stuff. . . She was a daddy's girl and I no- one's my mother died and her mother wasn't always around so I was. . .alone until I met James and I've never felt so alive since. I don't really consider her as a step Sister though. . . I considered her a real sister even if she didn't but then she. . .she went and kidnapped my daughter. . . That I carried for nine months. . .that i had pushed out of me. .

She had the audacity to do that. . .I scoffed. . .I can't forgive her and when James catch her she'll rot in Jail for all I care.


Shanti and I are doing great, so great and I can't let a thing mess this up, not even Asher himself...He hadn't suspect a thing. He's smart but I guess he hadn't thought much about the whole me and Shanti dating thing. If he doesn't agree then he's just being like himself. No boy would ask Shanti out mainly because of His overprotective self.

But for best  friend to be dating his sister? How would I react to that situation. . . I'm a very calm person so I'd probably talk it out. . . Like a real grown man.

Asher on the other one will throw all the of words at you. . . Punch the hell out.of you and then when it's all over he gonna sit and listen. . .

But if he were to find out I don't care. . .if anything happens. . . It's not my fault I fell in love with her sister. . .I don't pick and choose who I love. . And even if I were to I wouldn't change her. . .

She's everything a guy would possibly want in a girl. . . She has the heart, the personality, the beauty everything!

All this I'm doing. . .Trust me going behind my best friend's back isn't easy but for her. . . I'm willing to take a chance for her. . . For her love

I've waited for so long to have her. . .And guess what I'm not going to leave her now. . . Hell not ever. . .

She's mine besides she's all that I've ever needed. . . She lights up my life. . . She's my life. . .

Ashanti Kingston. . .

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