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I got in the car and started tracking my phone to where it's going. " rainbow" that a really nice name.

I finally got to my place where i placed my things on the bed undressed went to go shower came back and changed into leggings and my oversized T- shirt. I love over size tops since am too small on my upper body with a tiny waist and small boobs like am a child. I went to bed found the phone there and looked at it. I pressed it to messages and there was none. Went on whatapp and went through the conversations he had with the guys than went to pictures and saw gruesome pictures that i moved out of it completely just than the phone rang and i let it ring a bit than answered.
Me: Hi
Sanele: hi, it's me. I smiled at the irony who else can it be.
Me: okay
Sanele: mind coming to the parking lot? I jumped out of bed and looked out the window and there were his cars.
Me: how you know where i stay?
Sanele: i tracked the phone.
Me: oh.
Sanele: so you coming?
Me: sure give me a minute. I wore my sleepers and hang up and left as i saw other students looking out they windows.

I watched her tall self come walking to me with sleepers and black leggings and oversized top. He had her long hair lose around her and she looked beautiful and relaxed. I jumped out of the car with a smile.

He looked perfect with blue jeans and white sneakers and Golf shirt. He still reeked of power and money.
Sanele: you look refreshed
Me: thank you. He looked at me for a while then smiled.
Sanele: Ill like to take you out for early dinner.
Me: am not in a mood to go out.
Sanele: cool then we can order in. I looked at him for awhile.
Me: Am a catholic
Sanele: so? Catholics don't eat? I laughed and he looked at me with a wider smile making me shy. " you have a beautiful laugh"
Me: Thank you
Sanele: so about that early dinner?
Me: I already had my meat out you can come in and watch me cook. He laughed and gestured for me to lead the way. We got in the house and I went straight to the kitchen with him following me and i gestured for him to sit by the chair. I made some apple juice and gave him as i began cooking.
I watched her as she navigated in the kitchen and an aroma starter filling up the house when everything was set and the stove was doing it thing she walked up to the counter took another chair and sat there.She still looked breath taking.
Me: You really look nice
Rainbow: Thank you. We were quiet but not the awkward kind. The kind that meant we were content. After a while she went and did finishing touches and than dished out. She placed a plate of beef stew and rice in front of me and another glass of Apple juice. She sat on her side and bend her head and did a prayer when done she looked up and started eating. The food had so much flavour and its was amazing. I don't remember when last i had enjoyed such home cooked meals.
Me: This is amazing
Rainbow: thank you
Me:where did you learn to cook like this?

I looked at the clean plate and smile on his face. Matron always said i have a hand for cooking so in my free time i was allowed to spend time with the cook in the kitchen and explore.
Me: home. I really didn't want to talk about it that much and plus i barely know him.
Sanele: well male ngihambise ama lobolo once cause wow( i need to send your pride price there) i smiled at him and cleaned up.
Sanele: Am sure you aware i like you. I looked at him confused. Maybe this is what they meant about Johannesburg man. How they treat you like queens and than spit you out leaving you pregnant and a university drop out. I looked down hoping he changes the subject. I know nothing about boys and am not about to start learning now with him. He shifted and move my head in his finger and i felt an electric wave awakening things i never knew needed awakening.
Sanele: I like you. I focused on breathing and closed my eyes and opened them again to find him still looking at me.
Sanele: am still here and am still saying I like you. I moved from him to stand next to the stove.
Me: I dont know how to answer to that.
Sanele: for now its okay, you dont have to answer. I nodded and fidget with my fingers.
Me: well i should be preparing to study now. He got up getting the signal and i helped him walk out. By the door I remembered his phone went to fetch it and gave it to him. He took it without a word slid it in his pocket. We walked in silence and when he got to the car he open the boot and in there were plastics and plastics from different stores he signalled to the guy and he came took them out.
Sanele: I got you a few things. I looked at him confused.
Me: Me?
Sanele: Thabo will walk you back to the house with them. Than he bent in the car came out with a phone box.
Sanele: My number is already in there charge it for the whole night. Will talk in the morning. He got in the car and closed the door. I slowly turned with the phone in my hand and Thabo following me. I walked slowly and he patiently followed and when we got in the house he placed everything by the couch and he nodded turned and left. Leaving me in the room with plastics and confusion. What on earth just happened? ....

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