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The funeral was amazing and the well wishers were there with they support. I walked around the house with a heavy heart and looked at al the memories we have shared and the life we have had together. I felt her presence behind me as she gave me a bear hug
Slindo: uright sisi?( are you okay)
Me: Am selling the house and moving to cape town. She looked at me shocked.
Senilisiwe: you running away
Slindile: is that why you gave all the things he owned here?
Sam: You the only link we have to him, you can't do that. I looked at them with tears in my eyes.
Me: For my sanity I have too.

5 years later
I woke up to the rainy Cape Town weather. Today was my last day for the seamster than Ill go to moms for lunch and come back to my Condo. I finish packing and walked out to the front and got in my black Yaris that I got with the profits from the club. I got in and backed out and drove to the exam lab.

Its been 5 long years since Sanele death and each day is a trying day. Yes he left me half of his things and Rainbow absence has just made it worse. I sat there watching TV as all the memories of the past came washing on me like a wave.. I drank the beer and finished up after that and left the bar. I got to the house found Sam sleeping on my couch. She and I have been a thing for the past two years. She has numbed the pain in a way. I took a shower and got in bed. Just as I felt her tiny hands around me.
Sam: You good?
Me: Ill be good
Sam: I miss him too
Me: I know. She snuggled closer to me and we dozed off.

Me: Am leaving mom
Mom: so early
Me: I haven't cleaned in forever and I want to get through some profiles that I want to invest in. She smiled and looked at me.
Mom: am so proud of you.
Me: really?
Mom: you have millions yet you still the sweet kind girl that I know. You still working on your degree and not partying all night. You still visit church now and then and still intact to your individuality . Your past hasn't made you bitter but i wish you could live a bit you know.
Me: One day at a time. I touched the chain on my neck with my wedding ring.
Mom: it will get better in time
Me: I know. She gave me a hug and Walked me out of the house into my car. I drove the 30 minute drive to my place and got there it was close to the afternoon. I cleaned and when was done cooked and finished up took a shower and read the files that i wanted and when I was done I walked to the bedroom and threw myself on the bed and dozed off.

I stumbled to the end of the trees and saw the house at the top and I knew i had to make there. It was nice and cosy and at the end of all those suburban houses. I walked the few kilometres and felt my knees give away as soon as I got to the door.

I heard the thud on my front door and i jumped out of bed and pulled the gun on my side drawer and slowly walked to the door. I open it and he fell in like rocks. There was blood everywhere as I pulled him in and tried my best to my medical knowledge to help him. I took out the 3 bullets in his thigh and bandage him and the one on his shoulder. I gave him a sponge bath and than put a blanket on him as I placed the air-con on low. When done. I went took a shower than went to my bedroom and locked the door. I don't know what brought the stranger into my house but am pretty sure that i wasn't going to let a man die on my watch. I got in bed and sat there thinking this over. I looked up and did a small silent prayer as I slowly dozed off to sleep.

I woke up I was in a nicely put apartment and I remember stumbling to the door and small arms touching me everywhere. I touched my shoulder and I knew the bullets were out. I moved my right thigh and I knew too that those bullets were out and just then a tall slim beautiful girl emerged from the room that was the bedroom and she looked so heavenly in a man top and short and a gun on her right side. She went to all the windows looking out and than turned to the open  kitchen boiled some water than made fast chicken soup and came to it with me in a tray. Placed it on the coffee table and sat in a way that she was ready to feed me as her face went soft. I smiled thinking a few minute ago she was all military checking the  the coast for any intruders and now here she was an angel playing nurse. I kept my observations to myself as she feed me with so much care and when she was done she checked on my wounds like a professional than left me there going to the bathroom.

I switched in the shower and let the water run as I took a breath of relief. Oh my gosh what have I gotten myself into. The guy in there in broad day light looks nothing like an innocent man he looks like a cross from a military, ex gangster and police all at once. His physique was to day for not to mention his intruding black intelligent eyes that eyes everything I did. I sat there shaking with the gun in my hand that I have as protection. My house is really in a remote area and no amount if self defence classes and Senilisiwe classes had prepared me for this day. What should I do? Must i go out there and ask who he is? Call the cops? Or ask him to leave? Which is it? I took a few breaths and than closed the tap than left to go to the lounge and found my lounge empty. I looked everywhere for him and he wasn't there if it wasn't for the bowl of soup and the bandages on the coffee table I would have told myself that it was all just a dream, so the question remains where the hell is he and who is he?.....

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