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The past few days iv been waking up with the edge of thinking that my mysterious guy will keep re appearing in my lounge but never happens. Today Thabo and Sam are here for the weekend and i have been cleaning non stop. Its been months since i last saw them and them being here on a business venture they thinking is a nice way for us to get in touch and catch up. When done cleaning i went to take a shower and wore my blue jeans, one of my blue baggy shirts and a head wrap and white sneakers. Took my tiny bag and left to the airport where I was picking them up. I got there waited a few minutes and the flights landed and ai waited just than I saw Thabo and i gave him one hell of a hug. He really has been like a bigger brother to me and i hugged Sam.
Sam: you look good
Me: Thank you babe and so are you. She blushed as we walked to my car.
Thabo: you still driving this shack of yours?
Me: its gets me around and I love it. He laughed as we went to Mzansi Restaurant. We sat down and dined talking about life and catching up. Its was really nice having them here.

Mzansi Restaurant
I saw her and her friends laughing and talking. Her voice was like music to my ears. The way she carried herself with such elegancy making me want to be near her. She was laughing at something that the guy had and i swear my heart held into grips in it place. Her laughter was really music to my ears. Why did i run away? I knew the tracker in my body was going to lewd my loud family to her place and treat her as a target where as she was nothing but help. I sat there enjoying the food and most definitely enjoying the view of this beautiful woman that saved my life.

The weekend flew by fast and Thabo and Sam left and I really enjoyed they company.
Thabo: are you still going for self defence classes?
Me: yes i do mortal combat too. Sam laughed.
Thabo: shooting?
Me: i go to the shooting range every second day boss, don't worry i know that the world is not as black and white and i am taking precautions.
Thabo: good
Sam: you still have the panic button?
Me: guys i do and yes i know i have a tracker in my body and you can find me. But seriously am fine.
Thabo: Sanele will never forgive us if we let anything happen to you
Me: nothing going to happen to me. They hugged me and left. I watched as they boarded the plane. I walked to my car drove off to the mall to go do some shopping. Tonight ill cook something light and have some wine too. Maybe call the girls over some us time. Its been a while since i have catch up with them. I took the cart and pushed it as i was putting in all the things ill need at my house.
Voice: Hi... the voice was so cool and so near and deep that i stopped and turned to find the guy who i stitched up the other day standing next to me looking fine like fine wine.
Me: oh you live, for a minute there i thought you were an infringement of my imagination. He chuckled that rich throaty laugh that made my knees shake. I took a breather as i was blushing. Really i need to get a grip of myself.
Him: I wanted to thank you for the other day.
Me: oh its no big deal i stitch up people who disappear after they get help all the time.
Him: i could see with the stitches that you are a pro
Me: Thank you I guess. We were silent as he watched me go about my shopping. For a minute there i forgot that there was a person following me. He was content besides me following me around.
Him: I never got your name.
Me: Rainbow
Him: Theo
Me: Nice to me you Theo
Theo: Like was Bow. I smiled at how he said my name and pushed the trolley to the cheese side and took a few cheese.
Theo: I see you more into italian. He gestured to the items in my trolley.
Me: for today yes
Theo: can you cook?
Me: some say am a master. He smiled and pushed the trolley for me as I picked the items than got to the till i placed everything there and when it was time to pay he took out his wallet.
Me: I got it.
Theo: just paying for my medical services. I let him be as he walked me to my car and helped me place the things in my car. It was when i lifted my head i saw he was guarded and they were looking at us at a distance. I knew it was a security detail because I had one too before
Me: Thank you
Theo: its a pleasure.  Thank you for saving my life.
Me: it was a pleasure. He open the car door for me and I got in and he closed the door looked at me for a moment than I left.

I watched her back out of the drive and I felt a tiny tug in my heart. I moved to my convoy of cars. Since the attack i had to up the security and being next in line of the estate and since am the boss in the underworld after Mr X death and his father. My family took over as the organisation was about to fall on it knees. I drove to the mansion where my family is for Sunday dinner before they come crashing to my place. I walked in as I was welcomed by my nephew and nieces screaming. All my brothers and they wives and of cause my sister who is back from university of Cape Town Studying fashion something.
Me: You back
Tricia: Yeps. Came back yesterday. So no girlfriend still?
Me: Since when do you and I talk about girls?
Tricia: since you have had zero life when it comes to that, one will think you an after 9. I playfully smacked her.
Me: I did I must de register you from that school. She looked at me and saw I was joking and kissed my cheek and left.
Thomas: You came
Me: Sunday family dinner
Thomas: Thought you will bring up an excuse about work.
Me: I cleared my weekend for you guys. I walked to the lounge leaving my older brother in the foyer and was welcomed by so much noise. This is what my family is all about. Noise and having fun and joking around. I stood at one corner like I always do and observed my 5 siblings and they spouses and dad and mom. Yes i was the odd child who was an introvert and kept to them self but observed everything. After a while i felt mom tiny hands next to me and I looked down at the short woman. Gave her a hug.
Mom: You came
Me: Its was either I come here or have your kids come destroy my home. She laughed remembering the last time they showed up at my place unannounced.
Mom: You came alone
Me: I always come alone
Mom:i thought today it was going to be different. I laughed. My family never understood the need to be along. The type of Job I do and apart that I like order and all am seeing is chaos.
Mom: am not getting old you know
Dad: Oh you grilling him again?
Mom: am not
Dad: you forget I know you. My mom smiled pat my arm and went to one of my nephews who were fighting.
Dad: she right you know. He mumbled after a few minutes.
Me: about?
Dad: you not getting any younger.
Me: I know. I was quiet for a while " dad"
Dad: Yeah
Me: how did you know mom was the one? He turned to look at me and I saw his eyes get glassy.
Dad: The fact that you standing here and asking me about it clearly shows she the one. I smiled and i heard Theresa screaming.
Theresa: are you blushing Theodore . I left my sister there with her forward self as she was asking dad about our conversation. Is it love at first sight? Or am I just being delusional?....

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