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I woke up with a start in my pulled the gun at the side of the table and slowly walked out my house surveying every room and to my surprise I saw a big envelope on my table with my name. I looked at it and went to the system that Sam has installed. Looked through the footages and saw that the intruder every time they walked in a room they shifted the camera so I don't see them. This freaked me out as I made a dash to the envelope as I emptied the contents of the envelope and saw Pictures of Rainbow with Theo in a parking lot and a note that said "your job was to look after her"  i felt my blood go cold as I read the note over and over again. Who is playing tricks with my mind? Who can do this to me? What is Theo doing with Rain?

I woke up feeling good today after that lovely evening I had and made my bed and did some cleaning. Applied to a few hospitals to start my training next month. Took my gym bag went to the gym to do some yoga than off to the shooting range to do some shooting and after that went home took a shower and when I left to the lounge I found a tiny box. It was white. Am a neat freak and I know i never left it there. I looked at the box for what seemed like hours with my brains going over my steps a million times. Did i miss it when I entered the house? Did I place it there? Just than there was a light knock on the door and I made my way there still puzzled about the box. I opened the door to find Theo standing there with my favourite wine, chocolate and a box of Pizza.
Theo: well I was looking at your wine collection and saw you missing this fine baby here. He showed me the wine and I smiled forgetting my problems. Come on in. I moved to the side giving him room to enter and he did and again I noticed that the guards were hiding in plain sight.
Me: Thank you for the wine.
Theo: Its more of a thank you for stitching me up kind of a visit and I promise i wont vanish this time around. I felt my knees gave way a bit and I closed my eyes for a second breathing than touched my chain as a reminder that I belong to someone else can't let a man sweet talk me like this.
Me: well its was a pleasure you shouldn't have. He sat down by the love seat and I quickly took the box put it in the drawer and joined him there as he grabbed a sliced of Pizza.
Theo: So, tell me, are you always a loner like this? I laughed at him nodding.
Me: I like my space and am not alone
Theo: talking about that machine in your drawer. I laughed at him remembering the gun he saw the first time he saw me and i smiled.
Me: That too. He leaned closer and i swear my heart stopped for a moment but it was to take the remote behind me. I think he knew he had an effect on me cause i saw him smile slowly as he turned on the tv and lowered the volume.
Theo: stop bitting your bottom lip. I nervously smiled. What the heck is wrong with me. I jumped out of the sofa and stood far from him trying to get my brains in order.
Me: I think you should leave. He looked at me for a second than smoothly undid himself from the couch and moved to stand right in front of me making me sweat. I think not having sex for the past 5 years is beginning to take it toll on me.
Theo: I like you. I kept quiet not breathing nor saying a word.
Theo: a lot. He moved away from me and left and I closed the door and leaned on it.
Me: What the fuck is wrong with me? I took a deep breath stood there for what seemed like hours than went to the sink washed my face and threw myself on the couch and screamed in frustration.
Me: seriously am I that horny... fuck!!!

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