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Today she was leaving hospital and when we left there was lot of press and hype about her. Which i totally forget. We drove in silence to the house and it was more of a tense silence since she was looking out the window. She looked at me when she realized we not going to her place.
Rainbow: I thought that you taking me to my place?
Me: I think for now its best we stay at my place for a while until am also satisfied that you okay
Rainbow: am fine
Me: i was speaking about emotionally. She kept quiet and looked out of the window. I tried to touch her and she moved her hand. I was now confused since we were okay all along but i saw after my sisters left that she was a bit distanced.
Me: Did i do something? She was silent and i saw Thabo adjust the mirror. I looked at him and shrugged. And we were quiet.
Rainbow: Did you have to shoot your father? That came out of nowhere she turned to look at me as she had tears in her eyes.
Me: Am sorry
Rainbow: That doesn't answer my questions did you have to shoot him?
Me: Yes
Rainbow: why?
Me: He tortured you. She looked at  me with are you for real look.
Rainbow: he never tortured me. Thabo and his friends did and you don't see me holding a gun towards Thabo right now. Do you? I was quiet for a while as she looked out the window.
Rainbow: I know what it like not having parents and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Seeing your sisters and the bond you have with them made me think that just because of me and something that happened 3 years ago that bond could have been easily broken by they brother thinking with his emotions and killing they only living parents. Did you think that far? Did you think about how does your actions make me feel? How they make this relationship be? How is your dad going to accept me as your girlfriend when you once nearly killed him because of me? She took a breath and I knew she was worked up but i loved that she was talking to me calmly not screaming and shouting.
Me: Am sorry
Rainbow: You apologising to the wrong person. My understanding is no matter how wrong a parent is we never disrespect them even when they don't deserve that respect but we give it to them anyways because we bigger than pride. She turned to the window and kept quiet all the way home where when we got there she got in a shower and slept afterwards.

I walked in the room to find kholiwe pacing and I knew she was bothered by something.
Me: hawu yini( what wrong?)
Kholiwe: i need you to sit down. I sat on the couch and looked at her playing with her hands.
Me: Hawu khuluma nkosikazi( talk to me my wife)
Kholiwe: I don't know where to start. She looked at me with glassy eyes.
Me: hawu
Kholiwe: uNceka was not Philisiwe father. I kept quiet.
Me: usho ukuthini?( what do you mean?)
Kholiwe: Ngiso ukuthi u Philisiwe akusiye wa Nceka( Philisiwe is not Nceka child)
Me: ungitahela lokho ngoba? ( you telling me this because?)
Kholiwe: You are her father. She mumbled and i got up and saw the tears rolling down her face and I knew she wasn't lying. Close to 20 years i have missed out on being a father and let another man take care of my child while i lived.
Me: Kholiwe. She cried as i walked to her and consoled her with a pained heart. Why didn't she tell me before? Why hide her away from me? How on earth am I going to deal with this now? She is my daughter. I have a daughter....

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