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The party was an absolute success and I loved everything that was happening and she literally managed to get rivalries of gangsters under on roof. She managed to pull of the security team too. She really did think of everything that she wanted and need. I guess this is what she been hidings the past few weeks and the secret meetings with my father. We left close to midnight when the cleaning team was almost done since she wanted to see herself that she left the place clean. The minute we got in the car she snuggled close to me and dozed off. I unzip her dress as the back so she can breathe and saw she wasn't wearing a bra an panty. I took my coat and covered her.when we got home i picked her up and undressed her completely and put her in bed.
Me: Thank you for giving me my first birthday ever since mom passing. I love you so much. I kissed her forehead than went to the study were I closed the door. I called Thabo.
Thabo: Boss
Me: I saw TK by the party meaning Snakes was there, why?
Thabo: I don't know how he got in because i never invited him.
Me: his the one that killed Dikabelo. I remember. Now find me all the evidence. I sat there drinking

I woke up to find Sanele dead asleep so i went to make breakfast and came back showered than went to eat and left for class. When i got there i found Theo by the door we have been studying physics together.
Theo: hy
Me: Hey
Theo: I see over the weekend was a busy one for you. I looked at him confused as he whopped up his phone an an article about Sanele party was there. I smiled looking at how beautiful i was.
Me: oh that. I walked in with him following me.
Theo: Yes that.
Me: I got you a piece of cake from the party. I sat down and gave him some with him grinning before the lecture walked in and the worked began.

I work up to a sticky note on the side of the bed from my wife greeting. I took a shower and went downstairs took out my meal from the warmer and sat down and ate just as the doorbell rang. I walked over there found a small box by the floor with a note that said " happy belated birthday from S"  and just than police cars and surveillance cars came crushing through my driveway. They had guns drawn out pointing at me and I stood there confused. Just than that Agent khoza slowly walked to me.
Agent khoza: We have found evidence pointing to you that you killed Dikabelo and with that I have a warrant of arrest. Mr Mkhize you are arrested for the 7 heists that took place in 2005 and the death of a civilians Dikabelo. You have the tight to remain silent and a right to a lawyer. Anything you say may be used against you in the court of law. Are we clear?
Me: You making a big mistake Khoza.
Agent khoza: not this time around....

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