When Do We Move In?

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"Home...." that's all I could say.

He led me inside and closed the door, all the while, not letting go of my hand, and I didn't want him to. I wanted to hold his hand and not let go. I needed to feel the warmth of his grasp, because at the moment, I couldn't feel anything else.

"Are you serious?" I asked, amazed.

Roger nodded, smiling widely. I pulled a hand to my mouth, "How?!"

"Well, I've been saving up... and I may have gotten a little help from my mum... do you like it?" Roger asked softly, rubbing the top of my hand with the pad of his thumb.

I didn't say anything, instead I fell against his chest and wrapped my arms around him. He engulfed me in his arms and we hugged tightly, me burying my face in the crook of his neck. "I love it."

"I'm glad you do." We pulled away and he placed a soft kiss to my lips. "Well come on, you haven't seen the whole place yet!"

I laughed as he grabbed my left hand and drug me farther into the living room. It wasn't big, nor was it small. It was a good size and I was pleased with it's high ceilings. The walls were a soft yellow with a white trim, and it had hard wood flooring. The floor was scuffed here and there, but it was an old house. An old fireplace was in the middle of the wall with a beautiful mantle. Whoever owned the place last didn't take everything with them, so there when a couple of little nick knacks on it and there were a couple of empty frames on the walls. I ran my hand over the top of the mantle and smiled, imagining future Christmases with stockings hung on it. I guess Roger knew what I was thinking, he squeezed my shoulders and smiled at me.

I followed him to the kitchen where the flooring continued, but in here, there was faded wallpaper on the walls. I actually liked the way it looked, with it's faded flowers. It was a light blue with little pinkish petals. The counters and cabinets were both an off-white color and there was a toaster sitting on one. The place didn't seem too updated, but it wasn't extremely outdated either. There was a new fridge and new lighting fixtures. I could just see myself cooking numerous meals in here, and maybe the two of us baking cookies and such for when the guys come over, or maybe even our mums! That reminded me... Roger hadn't even told his mum about us. I'll bring that up later though.

Luckily, there was indeed a wager and dryer off to the side in a little room near the kitchen.

I glanced out the window that was located above the sink and was thrilled to see there was somewhat of a yard. It was small, but it held two trees, one being an apple tree.

I walked closer to the window to get a closer look and felt Roger wrap an arm around my waist. "C'mon, I know you want to see out there, but let's see the rest of the house first. Okay?"

I chuckled and rolled my eyes playfully. "Oh, okay."

He didn't move his arm as he guided me back into the living room to go upstairs. "Oh, and I almost forgot..." He opened a door revealing a little half bath. "This is the half bath. There are two full baths upstairs."

"God bless you, Roger Taylor." I kissed the top of his head and he giggled.

We then continued to the stairs. There was a little closet under the staircase and what caught my attention was it's beautiful glass doorknob. I touched it as we walked by it to the stairs. I was glad they weren't narrow as I followed behind Rog up them, definitely enjoying my view on the way up.

Upstairs, there were three bedrooms and two bathrooms. I could easily see us having one of the rooms as a guest room, and turning the other into a music room. I noticed there didn't seem to be any carpet, which was good since we didn't have a hoover, but it'll mean cold feet. One thing Roger loves to do is put his cold feet on me, and he knows I hate it. I swear, nobody's feet get as cold as his. If I could only get the man to wear socks in the house, it would make things a lot easier. I think I've only caught him wearing some once inside, and that was so he could slide around on the floors one day when we were all super bored.

"And this..." He lead me into the last bedroom, "is our room." He waved his arm around the room.

It was a nice size room with the perfect amount of natural lighting and not one, but two closets. My favorite thing about the room would definitely be the fact that the master bath was connected to it. I hate having to walk through rooms in my towel to get to my bedroom. One time, I was taking and showing and didn't think twice before leaving with just my towel wrapped snugly around my waist, but of course there just had to be company over. I walked right out into a room with three people I didn't know, in just my towel.

"And come on to the bathroom! I want to show you something!" Roger eagerly pulled on my hand, dragging me to the bathroom.

Just as soon as we walked in, I smiled. It is a beautiful bathroom, I must admit. "Two sinks!" I smiled at my little drummer boy.

"Yep! I call dibs on the left sink though." Roger grinned at me and I could resist pulling him to me and giving that sweet little face a kiss. He's so adorable, and especially when he does that little grin where he puts his tongue to the roof of his mouth and shows his teeth.

"And I see the shower is quite spacious." I wagged my eyebrows in Roger's direction.

"Yes, so there's plenty of room for both of us." He smirked back and smacked my backside playfully.

After seeing all there was to see inside the house, I ventured outside to see what kind of yard there was, Roger stood in the doorway to the backdoor, leaning with his arm up as he smiled at me. I love the outdoors. I love to hear the birds chirping and the warm feeling of the sun on my skin. It's where I like to go to relax. I was just so ecstatic with the whole situation, I quickly ran over to roger and picked him up, spinning him around a couple of times and and putting him back down before pressing my lips to his. He pushed his fingers up in the my hair and I rested my forehead on his.

"Thank you Roger... I love you." I hugged him tightly.

"I love you too, buddy."

"I just have one question." I pulled back so I could look him in the eye.

"What's that?" He asked.

"When do we move in?"

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