Bark and Birds

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The three of us were casually strolling down the sidewalk to no particular location. It was very calming, just soaking in the scenery, but the silence was broken when a startling scream elicited from our quiet bass man.

Roger and I whipped our heads to our friend to see what had cause such a reaction. We both busted out in a hardy laughter when we found John clutching his chest and a pair of delicate arms wrapped around his waist from behind.

"Jesus Christ! Veronica! You almost gave me a heart attack!" John spoke loudly but I could hear the smile in his voice before he began with a nervous chuckle.

He pulled her beside him and slid his arm around her waist, hugging her and kissing her on the cheek.

"Sorry dear, I just couldn't resist!" She spoke, still laughing loudly.

I had my hand on Roger's back, still trying to control my laugh when John gave us a bashful smirk. "Alright you two, knock it off."

Roger and I got ourselves calmed down and smiled at the couple in front of us. "That was a good one Ronnie." Roger smirked at Veronica, using her nick name.

"Yeah, I thought so myself!" She giggled at Roger and squeezed John's waist.

"So, what are you doing here?" John looked questionably at his girlfriend.

"I had lunch with a few friends and was just walking around, thinking of maybe going to the bookstore or something when I saw you guys walking. I noticed Brian's hair towering over two cutie pies, a blond and a brunette and had to stop." She giggled and playfully shook my arm.

"Hey, I could walk you to the book store." John smiled at her and she looked at Roger and I.

"You sure these two wouldn't mine if I stole you away for a while?" Veronica joked with him.

"You two go have fun! I'm sure Bri and I can figure out how to have fun without ya John." Roger rubbed my arm and winked at John and Veronica.

They laughed and I smirked at Roger before waving goodbye to the two lovebirds. They walked hand-in-hand down the sidewalk and I smiled when John looked back with a huge grin on his face a shook his head.

"So... what do ya wanna do now Brimi?" Roger looked so adorable as he rocked on his heels and grinned, ear-to-ear at me.

I smiled at the nickname and bit my lower lip. "hmm... I don't know Roggie... what would you like to do?"

"Can we go to the park?" He licked his bottom lip and gave me his 'puppy dog' eyes.

I patted the side of his face and grabbed his wrist. "That's sounds good." He smiled and I pulled him slightly so he was closer to me as we headed towards the park.

There was one downside about being out in public with Roger: we couldn't show a lot of public affection. We had to pretend to be 'just friends'. That's why we tended to try to go places where not a lot of people would notice us. Of course we had people walk up to us quite often for autographs and pictures, which we never turned down, but we could sometimes find a place to be alone. Parks were good for that most of the time. We'd sit under a tree mostly and hold hands where no one was wandering around at. Most folks tended to stay around where the children were playing and those who didn't were mostly couples that didn't pay attention to anything but each other.

We made our way into the park and wandered around until we came to a semi-heavily wooded area where no one was around and found a shady tree to sit under. I squatted down in the lush, green grass and found a comfortable place to sit. I sat down competely and leanded up against the bumpy bark of the leafy tree, holding my hand out for Roger to sit beside me. He plopped down and immeadiatly leaned up agianst me, placing a soft kiss on my jawline.

He sighed and leaned his head on my shoulder, rubbing my hand with his. "This is perfect. A perfect day with my perfect man."

I smiled and kissed the top of his head, speaking softly to him. "I love you Roger. I love you so much."He lifted his head up and placed his hand on my cheek. "I love you too Brian. More than I can ever show you." He pulled me in for a soft kiss and rubbed our noses together.

He sat up and laid down with his head resting in my lap. I knew what he wanted and chuckled lightly before running my fingers through his soft, honey hair. He closed his eyes and hummed an unrecognizable tune while I worked all the tangles out. I watched the way his chest moved peacfully along with every breath he took and how his throat moved as the soft noise escaped through closed lips. I listened as the birds above sung back and forth to each other. Their sharp chirpping calming all other life and intermingled with Roger's soothing voice.

After a while, my fingers became numb to the feeling of them running through his hair. I stopped but he didn't open his eyes, nor seemed to complain. I carefully picked up his head and he opened one eye as I laid it down in the grass. He opened both and watch me as I crawled to lay beside him. I laid down close enough to where our shoulders barely touched and slid my hand to where they did touch. He smiled and I smiled back, feeling his warm hand grasp mine. He lifted his other arm up to point at one of the branches in a tree.

"Look Bri. The lone little bird just sitting up there by itself." He dropped his arm and lazily blinked his eyes.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" I didn't look at him but could tell he nodded his head.

"You know... I could spend just about everyday like this." His soft voice was music to my ears.

I lightly squeezed his hand. "Me too."

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