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We all woke up a little earlier on this Sunday morning. I was the first to wake up, so I got the privilege of control of the bathroom first. I was rather surprised by this since I actually had trouble getting to sleep last night, my thoughts kept me up. I did finally go to sleep after tossing and turning, and I do feel somewhat well rested now.

I had just gotten out of the shower and wrapped my towel around my waist when I heard a knocking on the door.

"Brian, it's me. Let me in man." Roger could never let me get out of the bathroom before he came knocking on the door.

I rolled my eyes and let him in. He smirked at me as he walked past me and started turning on the water for his shower while I walked back to the sink to brush my teeth. Before I put the toothpaste on my toothbrush Roger ripped my towel down.

"Roger!" I shrieked and  slapped his arm playfully.

"C'mon Bri... you look way better like that." He eyed me up and down and I rolled my eyes at him, picking the towel back up and wrapped it around me again.

"Just get your shower Rog, we aren't the only ones who need to get in here." I kissed him on the cheek and brushed my teeth while he undressed and took his shower.

John was reading the paper on the couch as I passed through to get to my room so I could put some clothes on.

"Good morning Brian." He looked up at me and smiled sweetly.

"Good morning Deaks. Is Veronica on her way?" I stopped walking to talk to him.

"Yeah, she just called to say she's on the way. Shouldn't be too long." He nodded his head and turned a page in his newspaper.

"Okay, good." I nodded back at him and hurried to my room to get dressed.

I put my clothes on, dried my hair the best i could, combed it, and walked out into the living room. John was fiddling around on my acoustic and I picked up the newspaper he was previously reading.

"Freddie's in the shower now." John spoke without looking up.

"Good." I replied, turning a page.

Roger must be getting dressed in his room. He may sleep in my room, but he still has most of his clothes in his room. I really don't know how we agreed that we'd sleep in my room, maybe it's because my room's a little neater. That and there's more room in mine since he has his drums in his. We really need a bigger place now that I think of it. It's hard for all four of us to have to share one bathroom. It kinda helps that John goes over to Veronica's but she stays with us a lot as well. Once we have a little more money in our pockets we can all start thinking about moving, I'd want to move somewhere out in the country. I'd have a nice little garden and I'd be able to see the sky better without all this light pollution in the city. But for now, I'm okay living here all together.

A knock on the door caught my attention and John stood up, placing the guitar down and walking to the door. Roger had just walked out when John walked back in with Veronica. She hugged them both, giving John a kiss, before making her way into the living room. I stood up and gave her a hug before she and John sat down and then I pulled Roger to sit with me as we all waited for Freddie.

Soon enough, Freddie strutted out in one of the new outfits he picked out the other day whilst shopping with Jim. He was just in time to answer the door when we heard three soft, short knocks on the front door. I smiled at everyone as Freddie and I walked over to the door. I opened it and there stood my beautiful mother. She smiled and immediately pulled Freddie into and hug and he kissed her cheek, greeting her with a warm hello. I rolled my eyes as I closed the door behind her, still waiting for my hug. She giggled and turned around to hug me and give me a kiss on the cheek.

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