Lazy Saturday

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It was a lazy Saturday morning and I was relaxing in bed, engrossed in a book as the sun poured in through my window. I rarely had time like this to myself to just relax, what with all the touring and recording an what not. It felt nice, just me and a book, I could faintly hear the chirping of small birds outside in the trees. I finished the chapter I was on and was about to turn the page for the next one when I heard the floorboards outside my bedroom door squeak and creak with footsteps trodding quietly over them. I sighed deeply but smiled to myself as I heard the footsteps stop at my door and a small raping on the wood. I laid the open book down on my stomach and shook my head, giggling. 

"Come on." I watched as the door slowly opened and a soft blond head peaked out around it.

I cocked my head at him with a smile and he smiled back at me, slipping into the room and shutting the door behind him. I scooted over in my bed and lifted the covers back as his slender body bounced across the room, sliding comfortably under them and curling up against me. His cold fingertips brushed across my skin as he wrapped his arms around my waist and snuggled his face into the crook between my neck and shoulder. He wriggled under my arm and I pulled him closer to me, hugging him and rubbing along his smooth skin.

He sighed and mumbled against my chest, "I missed you last night... you're so warm."

I tilted his chin up to look at his sweet face. "You know you could have stayed in here last night, no one would have minded it."

He leaned closer to my face and placed a delicate kiss on my lips before replying. "Yeah, I know. I guess I'm just so used to sneaking around, you know?

"Yeah, it's okay. I'm glad we finally told Fred 'n John about us. It takes a load off my chest." I rubbed our noses together, eliciting a giggle from Roger.

"Me too." He rubbed the side of my face with the pad of his thumb before pressing his lips against mine with a little more force than before. 

We both smiled into the kiss and he slowly broke away, lifting the book up off my stomach to examine it. "Hey, isn't this mine?"

He smirked at me and I giggled. "Yeah, I took it a while back and never told you."

He rolled his eyes and laid his head on my chest, marking my stopping point and flipping trough the pages. "This is a good one.... my sister gave me this one."

He closed it and handed it back to me, I laid it on the table beside me.

I ran my hand through his lustrous locks, lightly scratching at his scalp. He closed his eyes and placed his hands on my waist. I was hypnotized by the sound of his slow, rhythmic breathing and fell into deep thought.

It's funny the things we can and can't remember. For example, learning to talk. Talking becomes the biggest part in most people's lives, yet most can't remember when they learned to talk. Yet you can remember random little things that hold no significance, such as seeing a stray cat walking beside a road. Sometimes you can remember things that happened years ago, but not something that happened yesterday. Whether you realized it or not, you do a lot of things in your life. They may not all be important, but you make moments to remember. Moments that you never want to forget about. Moments that change how you look at things, memories, and sitting here with Roger reminds me of how important it is to make things matter.

 There are a lot of things I don't remember, but there is one thing I can. The time I fell for my best friend. What started out as just band mates soon grew into something much more. We were inseparable. Whenever folks saw me, they always knew where Roger was: right there with me- behind me, beside me, just somewhere near me. It was no longer just "Brian" or just "Roger", it was "Brian and Roger" and vice versa. 

We would fight and argue, but we could never stay mad at each other and would just end up laughing at the whole situation. I began to feel more than just a brotherly love for him. Every time he got close to me, my stomach would do flips and an uncontrollable smile would spread across my face. I could also see little things about him change, like how he would blush around me and how he always found a way to brush against me. He also suddenly found me to be absolutely hilarious. 

I can also remember our first kiss. We were in the studio, just the two of us after everyone else had called it a night, and he was trying to show me a new song he was working on. I remember lending him my Red Special and watching as his nimble fingers glided down her neck and across her strings. I was lost in the movement of his hands on my "girl" and when I lifted my eyes up, I found myself gazing straight into those two beautiful pools of icy blue. I could feel the heat rise in my cheeks and on the tip of my ears as I tried to advert my gaze. He had pulled the guitar off of him, setting her on the couch and moving his hand to my knee. The further up his hand moved on my leg, the smaller the space between our faces seemed to get. Soft lips brushed on mine as I tasted mint and muted vodka. The next thing I knew, we were in the middle of a full on make out session. We breathlessly pulled away, tangled in each others arms, and every unspoken word of love flowed from our eyes.

Now here we are months later and just as much in love, if not more, than we were that night.

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