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Okay, there's one thing I just wanted to say. I know Freddie didn't meet Jim until the 80s, but this story is fictional so who cares.

John had taken Veronica out to lunch while Roger and I stayed in and made ourselves a nice sandwich lunch. It was a little after 1pm and we were cleaning up the kitchen when we heard the front door open, followed by a long, dreamy sigh. I looked at Roger and smiled when were heard Freddie's "Boooyss?" in a sing-song voice. 

Roger and I giggled as he twirled into the kitchen with a grin and slowly bat his eyes. I leaned up against the counter, Roger leaning on me with my arm around him, and I smirked at Freddie.

"Sooo? How did it go?" I asked and his eyes widened with excitement.

"Oh Bri, it worked! Roger's plan worked!" Freddie fell into a chair and sighed. "He's taking me out to dinner tomorrow night."

"Ah, ya see? I knew it would work." Roger proudly smiled and giggled at him.

"Well come on man, give us details." I pulled Roger with me to sit on my lap as I took a seat in a chair across from Freddie. 

He smiled at us and clicked his tongue. "Well, we met up at that little sandwich shop that we always go to and he was already there waiting for me. He got us a little table together and we ordered the same thing. We talked the whole time we waited for our food and my god he's hilarious! He's got the cutest laugh and the cutest dimples when he smiles." I rolled my eyes and he continued. "Well he paid the bill even after I insisted I would. He's quite the gentleman and as we were leaving, he held the door for me. His arm kept brushing up aginst mine as we walked down the sidewalk and every time I felt him, I felt butterflies. I know it may sound a little cliche, but it's like we are made for each other.. like we are soul mates even!"

"That doesn't sound cliche at all, that's how I feel with Bri." Roger turned his head to me and I kissed his cheek.

"You two are too cute together! I hope Jim and I can become a couple like the two of you." Freddie boasted about us and I blushed before leaning my head on Roger's arm. "Well anyways, we walked down the sidewalk for a while not really going anywhere in particular. We ended up walking in the direction here to take me home. We stopped right at the end of the driveway and he grabbed my hands. He blushed a little, as did I, and guess what he did. GUESS!"

I chuckled and responded. "Did he sneeze on ya?"

Freddie giggled "No silly! He kissed me! Right on my cheek! Ah, I swear I felt a spark."

"Aw, Freddie, I'm so happy for you!" Roger reached across the table and squeezed Freddie's arm.

"Ow Rog! Jesus, you know you have a sharp tailbone!" Roger laughed and wiggled around some more. "Oh, that's it. Now you've got it coming!" I grabbed his sides and started tickling him. He tried to squirm away, but I had him pinned down in my lap with one arm. Freddie wore a sincere smile as he watched the two of us. I had tickled Roger to the point where I thought he may pee himself. He was basically gasping for air when I stopped tickling him and held him in my arms. I hugged his body and planted hot, noisy kisses down his neck as he calmed himself down to a giggle.

"I love you Rog." I spoke against his neck.

"I love you too Bri... now let me go, I gotta go to the loo!" we both giggled and I let him hop of my lap. I watched him scurry off to the bathroom and I sighed. I swear he's just the cutest thing.

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