The Morning After

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"Get up babe, we overslept." a raspy, monotone voice spoke in my ear as a hand pressed against my shoulder blade, lightly shaking me.

I groaned, immediately feeling the effect of what a night of drinking, and I do mean drinking, will do to you in the morning. I was on my stomach, clothes hanging off me, hair stuck to my neck and face, and tangled up in blankets as I tried to open at least one eye. Everything was blurry and very bright.

I squeezed my eyes shut. "Ugh.... oh god... please don't make me get up." I croaked, my throat dry.

"Oh come on, you'll live," Roger spoke tenderly as he pushed strands of hair out of my face and tucking them behind my ear. "but I gotta say, I haven't seen you drink that much since that night you, me, 'n Tim all went out for drinks and woke up the next morning in the park." He suppressed a chuckle as he saw I was definitely not in the mood for jokes.

"Please, don't remind me." the throbbing in my head increased as I blinked my eyes open and attempted to roll over and sit up. Realizing sitting up was not such a good idea, I grabbed my head and fell back into the pillows as roger tried untangling me from the blankets that were swallowing me. "What time is it, if I dare ask?"

"2:30..." he awaited my reaction, knowing it wouldn't be a good one.

"2:30?!?" I  widened my eyes and groaned. I couldn't believe I had slept past noon! Wasted practically the entire day!

"I told you we overslept." Roger rubbed my arm before getting out of bed. He, unlike me, had seemed to have been able to get undressed last night before going to bed, being in just his boxers. "Now get up, I know you don't want to miss what's left of the day."

He was right. I, once again, groaned and swung my legs over the side of the bed. "Alright, I need a shower." I pulled my shirt off, letting it drop to the floor. The cool air felt nice on my hot skin and I stretched my arms above my head.

"Yeah, me too." he walked to the bedroom door and opened it, walking out.

I stood up shakily and slid my pants off as he walked back in. "I don't know where Fred 'n John are." he announced, "but here's you something for your headache."

I accepted the medicine and the cup of water gratefully. "Ah, thanks." I popped the pill in my mouth and washed it down, handing the glass back to my boyfriend.

He just sat the glass on my dresser and pulled me close to him, pressing a cool hand to my face. I nuzzled at the hand, enjoying the feeling. "God Roger, I can't remember anything from last night."

"That's probably a good thing." He smiled tenderly before slipping his hand down to my chest, pushing us apart and heading to the bathroom. I followed behind him, grabbing some towels as he started to prepare the shower. I was trying to rack my brain for last night's events, unsuccessfully, but the lighting made my head buzz and I pressed the heels of my hands to my eyes. I was looking forward to the thought of a nice, relaxing shower.

Roger saw my failed attempts of relieving the throbbing in my head and sighed, "c'mon, I'll help you."

We stripped out of our underwear and I followed him in, under the warm spray of the water. I faced the shower head and let the water run down my face, eyes closed, and Roger stood behind me, closing his arms around me. He just held me for a while, occasionally pressing soft kisses to my back and shoulders. It felt extremely nice, and I've never admitted it out loud, but I love being held. 

I leaned back into him, leaving the spray of the water, and stroked his forearm with my thumb until he pulled away to grab the shampoo. I slipped the bottle from his hands, squirting some of its contents into my hands, and began working it into my hair.

"I was gonna do that." he smirked and reached for a cloth instead, making it soapy before running it across my back.

I smiled as he washed my back and shoulders, messaging my tense muscles. Oftentimes I wonder what I did to be so lucky. He treats me so well, then I remember that's what you're supposed to do for someone you love, and that feeling, knowing he loves me, makes my chest swell with affection and my stomach to do flips.

I rinsed my hair and was about to grab the bottle again for Roger.

"Brian" I turned around and draped my arms over his shoulders.

"Yes?" he didn't say anything to me, he just leaned his head on my chest and pulled his arms under his chin.

I took it as a sign to wrap my arms around his smaller frame and I held him. "Anything the matter, love?"

"I just love you." he whispered against my chest.

I looked down at the younger man, wondering why he's suddenly acting like this. "Are you okay?" I asked.

He smiled and let out a breathy laugh on my skin. "Yes, I just don't want you to ever forget."

"Forget what?" I lifted his face to look at mine.

"How much you mean to me." he simply smiled and leaned in to press the first kiss of the day to my lips.

I drank in the sweet kiss, feeling my heart pound in my chest for my boyfriend's words. "Well I love you too."

I pulled away and reached for the shampoo bottle, squirting some shampoo into my hands and scratching the blond's scalp.

He continued acting strangely clingy even after we got out of the shower. Once dried and dressed, he followed me into the kitchen, not leaving my side as I prepared sandwiches for "lunch", if you could call it that, leaning an elbow in the counter and resting his chin in his hand. I wasn't exactly complaining about the extra attention from him, but a feeling of suspicion was settling in.

My headache had almost completely subsided after I had eaten and gotten some fluids in me. After I cleaned up for lunch, Roger clung to my side as I settled on the couch. He curled himself up under my arm, resting his head on me as he rubbed my other hand with his thumb. We listened quietly to the radio for a long time until I cleared my throat to ask him a question that had been pressing on my mind.

"Is today some kind of special day or something?"

"What do you mean?" he looked up at me.

"I don't know, you're just being awfully..." I pondered the word to use, "loving today." I rubbed his shoulder with the hand that was wrapped around him.

He shrugged, "I just, I like spending time with you."

"Oh." I lifted my hand to rub through his still slightly damp hair.

"Is this okay?" he raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, yes of course, I like spending time with you too. I just didn't know if I had forgotten about something." he didn't say anything, so I leaned in to press a kiss to his temple.

He rested his head back on my shoulder and sighed, closing his eyes, not in a tired way, just in a calming way. I rested my head on his and we waited for John and Freddie to return.  I was feeling kind of uneasy about how Roger was acting, but I decided not to bring it back up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2016 ⏰

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