When Do We Move In? (cont.)

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This one's literally the shortest chapter I've ever written, my apologies for that. It wouldn't flow into the next chapter very well, and I've rewritten this thing so many times, so I'm just posting it as is. Oh, and sorry for the inactivity. I'm not going to explain why, just know I'm sorry for it, and thank you to those of you who haven't forgotten about me. (and a big thank you to ronniesshoes for kinda helping me get back into writing something again)


"So, you're all leaving me?" Freddie scoffed, folding his arms in front of his chest and facing the rest of us.

John had recently informed us that he and Veronica had decided to finally move in together, despite the disapproval from their parents since they aren't even engaged yet.

"Oh, come on Fred. Don't be like that!" I stressed to him.

"Yeah, you should be excited to have your own place!" John tried.

Freddie just sighed.

"Hey, just think of all the things you'll be able to do now!" Roger tried, "You won't have to wait for the bathroom anymore, and you get to choose what's on TV... you can do what ever you want and not bother anyone!" Roger moved towards him as he spoke.

"But I don't think I'm ready..." Freddie sounded small, like a child.

"Not ready? Freddie, you are almost close to being 30 years old. You need to be ready." I waved my hands out at him.

"Well, I'm not, okay? I just..." He plopped down on one of the bar stools.

"Just what?" I sat down next to him.

"I just don't want to be alone." He said shyly.

I softened my look at him and placed my hand on his shoulder, squeezing lightly. "Look... Freddie, it's okay to be a bit weary of this idea, but it's not like you won't see us. We won't even be that far from you. Whenever you feel alone or just want some company, you are welcome to call any of us. Okay?" I saw a slight smile appear and I brought him in for a hug.

"Okay, I guess it won't be too bad..." He gladly accepted the hug.

"So... when's move-in?" He asked the three of us.

"Well, I'm planning on having all my stuff set up at Veronica's by the end of the week." John stated.

I looked over to Roger, awaiting his answer, since he hasn't even told me yet.

"I was thinking the first of the month." I heard Roger speak.

"Okay... I guess that's that. You know, I have an idea!" Freddie perked up. "We should maybe all go out or something, our last outing as roommates."

"Yeah, okay, that's a good idea." I said, as the other two agreed.

"Splendid! Tomorrow night, okay?" Freddie clapped.

"Alright." Roger responded, John and I nodded.

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