Broken... But You Can Fix Me

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We spent almost the whole day there, stealing kisses, cuddling and watching the birds. I looked at my watch and gently shook Roger. He rolled his head to the side and faced me with raised eyebrows.
"We've spent most of the day here, I think we should head home now." I spoke warmly in his ear.
"Yeah, we should. John and Fred are probably wondering were we are and I'm hungry." He smiled at me and sighed.
I could tell he didn't feel like getting up and I smiled at him as I sat up and he reached his hand up to my hair, probably trying to make it presentable. I stood up and looked down at him still laying there with a mock pouty look. I held my hand down to him and he grabbed it, letting me pull him up to his feet.

He smoothed his hair down before taking my hand in his as we made our way out of the park. We were about half way through the park when I heard a scoff behind us followed by the remark: "Stupid queers."
I didn't have to turn around to know who they were referring to, it's certainly not the first time I've heard remarks like that directed towards me. I looked down to our hands and noticed we had never let go. We normally let go when we were around others, but I guess we forgot. I suddenly became very self-conscious about myself and pulled my hand away from Roger's. That remark hurt me, but not as bad as the look on Roger's face did. I could see the hurt in his eyes as I pulled my hand away. I felt stinging behind my eyes but he gave me a sad smile and mouthed "It's okay, I understand" to me. I clenched my jaw and gave him a fake half smile before turning my head to look in front of me. We continued the entire way home in silence.
As soon as we got home, I ran to my room, past Freddie and John who were sitting on the couch, and slammed the door. I flung myself on the bed and buried my face into the pillows, letting it soak up the hot tears that were now pouring from my eyes. I heard Roger closed the front door and sigh. John and Freddie were asking him what was wrong and what happened. 
"It happened again guys. It makes me so mad! Why do they have do do this?! Why can't people be able to love who they want without being judged!? It's not fair! I don't know how much longer we can take this... especially Brian.... I just- just feel like punching those monsters square in the face!" I could hear the hurt in Roger's voice. He sounded broken inside. 
"I know dear... people spend so much time trying to tell other people how to live their life and telling them how to be happy, they don't see that they already are. Just please promise me that you won't sink to their level... please Rog, I know it hurts but they want to see you break. It'll give them something else to say about you." Freddie always knew what to say. 
"I know, I know... thanks Freddie. I'm gonna go talk to him." I wasn't a hundred percent sure, but I was sure there was hugging involved. 

I then heard Roger's footsteps as he shuffled to my bedroom door. He knocked lightly on the door as he opened it. I was still sobbing into my pillow as he made his way to the bed and sat beside me, rubbing my back trying to soothe me. I didn't hold back anything at this point and let out a loud cry. 
"Brian?" I could feel Roger's eyes boring into me. 
I shot up and flung my arms around him, hugging him tightly. I knew I shocked him a little, but he wrapped his arms protectively around me and began gently rocking me back and forth as my tears ran down his neck and drenched the collar of his shirt.
"Oh Rog... I-I just don't know how to handle it sometimes." I felt him pat my back softly and I could feel hot tears languidly fall and land on my skin. He was crying. I lifted my head and gazed into his blurry eyes and shut mine tightly, taking a deep breath and trying to calm down enough to talk to him.

I opened them back up and he pulled his hands up to my face, speaking somewhat sternly to me.
"Brian, listen. I love you. I love you so much, and that should be all that matters." He wiped away the tears that were rolling down my cheeks.
A single tear escaped his thumb and puddled on my lips. I could taste the saltiness on my tongue as I licked it away. "I-I know... it's just that...." I stopped there and looked down at my hands.
"It's just what Brian? C'mon, I'm right here with you." He lifted my head back up.
"Today... that remark isn't what sent me running in here. The look on your face when I pulled my hand away did... I hurt you Roger! I could see it on your face! You tried to brush it away, and so did I at first, but I saw right through that sad smile. Do you know what I saw?" I looked longfully in his eyes as he just stared back at me with parted lips and eyes that searched for something to say. "I saw a broken man."

With that, he closed his mouth and pressed his lips together tightly. He wrapped his arms around me and whispered in my ear, his breath hot against the shell. "I may be a broken man, but you are the only one who can fix me... so I need you to be strong with me."
When we pulled away I saw him smile. It was a genuine smile and that was the greatest smile of them all. I smiled back and cupped his face with my hands, kissing him.
We pulled away and he grabbed my hand, standing up and pulling me with him. "Now, lets go out there with our best friends and enjoy a nice dinner. That sound good?" 
I smiled and wrapped my arm around his waist. "I'm starving."

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