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I don't recall exactly how we ended up finally going back to sleep. I did wake up before him though. I could feel his hot breath on my neck as I awoke. He had one arm lightly draped over me and the other curled up under his chin. I had my back to him and I carefully slid out from under his arm and out of bed. The first thing I noticed was I was still stark naked. I dug through the pile of clothes on the floor and slipped on some boxers. I'm pretty sure they belong to Roger, but no one really cares. He wears my shirts all the time and his boxers are pretty much the only thing of his that fit me well. Besides, we all pass around coats and wear whatever of someone's clothes that fit.

It was actually kinda hot in the room, so I walked over to the window and opened it. I glanced over at the sleeping man in my bed and smiled. The quilt had actually been thrown in the floor so he was only covered by a thin white sheet. It was crinkled around his waist and slightly exposed one leg. It kinda reminded me of the first time I caught a glimpse of the beautiful body all natural. It wasn't too long after we met actually...

He and Freddie ran a stall together at Kensington Market and shared a place together before we all got a place together that would better fit us. I stopped by their place to talk to Freddie about something. When I knocked on the door, Freddie answered and let me in. I looked around before asking where Roger was and I was told he was in the shower. They only had one bathroom to share and you had to walk through the living room to get to it. After taking a seat on the couch I heard the doorknob to the bathroom turn. Next thing I know, Roger saunters out free as a bird and waves at us! The man has no shame! Well, I guess he didn't particularly have anything to be ashamed of. I tried not to stare as intensely as Freddie rolled his eyes and snapped at Rog for not covering up. All he had to say was " Sorry, there were no towels." With that, he casually walked past us and into his room. My pants had become uncomfortably tight and I was rather grateful for the fact I was sitting down and was easier to hide with my hands.

He has a body one can definitely drool over! I now resisted the urge to yank that sheet off to expose said body. It was tempting, but he looked so adorable and peaceful in his sleep. I instead placed a light kiss on his forehead and padded to the door. I closed the door behind me and walked out into the living room, yawning for the first time that day.

"Good morning Bri." Freddie had already made his way into the kitchen and was rummaging around for something to eat.

" 'morning Fred. Did you sleep well?" I walked in behind him and opened up the cabinet above him, grabbing my cereal.

"I did... but I did get woken up at about three this morning." He stopped what he was doing and waited for me to look him in the eye. When I did, he continued. "Bri... you know you can talk to me as well, right? I can relate just as well to the situation."

I sat a bowl and the cereal box down on the table and walked over to him, somewhat nervously. "Thanks Fred... actually... how 'bout we talk over breakfast, while we have this time alone."

He rubbed my shoulder comfortably and nodded his head with a relieving smile.

He grabbed the milk out from the fridge and sat it in front of me and we pulled out chairs at the table. He had grabbed a bowl as well and watched me as I shook some cereal into my bowl.

"Where would you like to start?" He reached for the box as I began to pour some milk into my bowl.

"I dunno Fred, I just... you see, I've been having these nightmares and they just get to me." I drug my spoon across the top of the cereal bits, watching them bob up and down in the milk.

"Well how about we start with last night. What was it about?" He poured milk into his own bowl and looked at me with comforting eyes.

I started from the beginning and told him every bit I remembered. We continued to talk while we ate our breakfast. Talking with him made me feel a whole lot better and it reminded me why I consider him my best friend. Sure I consider Roger my best friend too, he's also my lover, and John is also one of my best friends... but it's somehow different with Freddie. I love all three of them dearly, Freddie and John are like my brothers and Roger is the one I give my heart to.

I stood up from the table and pulled Freddie into a warm hug before I grabbed our bowls, putting them in the sink. 

"Hey, don't put the rest up. I'm craving some cereal." I felt the butterflies in my stomach as I heard my favorite voice in the world. I grinned widely and turned to face the voice.

"Good morning Roggie!" He giggled and I held my arms out for him. 

He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his face on my chest as I squeezed him. 

"Good morning Brimi!" He pecked a kiss on my lips and pulled away to sit down at the table. "And good morning Freddie!"

"Good morning Rog! My, someone sure seems happy this morning." Freddie smiled at him and handed him a bowl from the cabinets and I handed him a spoon.

"Where's John?" Roger asked while preparing his own cereal.

"Uh, I'm not sure. He left this morning, probably to eat breakfast with Veronica." Freddie was washing his hands at the sink as he answered him.

Roger shoveled a spoonful of cereal into his mouth and I stood behind him, rubbing his shoulders. "Aye Fred, why don't you ever go over to your boyfriend's house and eat breakfast with him?" I spoke cheekily to Freddie.

"Yeah, what's his name- Jim is it?" Roger cut in and batted his eyes. 

Freddie smirked and flung water from his hands at us as he dried them. "Oh hush you two. He's not my boyfriend." He giggled and leaned on the counter.

"C'mon man, you can't fool us. We know there's something going on between you two." I wrapped my arms loosely across the front of Roger's chest from behind and kissed his cheek.

Freddie sighed dreamily and rolled his eyes. "Oh I wish he'd just ask me already, but he's a bit shy I think." 

"Well call him and ask him to join you for lunch. That's how John won over Veronica." Roger remarked before lifting the bowl to his lips to drink the remaining milk.

"That's an excellent idea Roggie! I'll go do that now!" Freddie smiled and ran to the living room to call him.

Now it was just Roger and I in the kitchen. I began clearing off the table and Roger was putting his bowl in the sink. I noticed as I was putting up the milk and cereal that we had a trip to the grocery store to make. 

"Hey Rog?" I closed the door on the fridge. 

"What?" He had his back turned to me, washing his bowl.

"Do you have any plans for today?"

He turned around and looked at me. "Uh... no. Why?"

"I've gotta run to the store. We need more food." I was grabbing a notepad to make a list of what we needed.

"And you want me to go with you. Right?" Shopping for food is definitely not Roger's forte, but I needed some help.

"If you don't mind, I do need some help." I raised my eyebrows at him as he sighed.

He rolled his eyes at me and as I was about to complain, he smiled. "Yeah, okay. I'll go with you."

"Thanks Rog. I'm almost finished with the list and then I'll go get dressed. Can you go ask Fred if there's anything he needs? And if he can chip in with some money?" I smiled at him and he nodded, drying his bowl and bouncing out the kitchen into the living room. 

I had written down everything I could think we needed and I walked to my room to get dressed. After getting dressed and fixing my hair, I found Roger sitting on the couch reading.

"Did ya catch Fred?" I grabbed my keys and some money.

"Yeah, he gave me some money and wrote some things down on the list. I hope John doesn'st need anything." Roger closed his book and gabbed my hand as we grabbed the list and walked out the door. 

"If he does, he can pick it up while he's in town. D'you want to drive?" I held the keys out for him.

He grabbed the keys and pinched my cheek. "Did you have to ask?" He giggled and we hopped in the car.

He started up the engine and we headed into town together.

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