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We arrived almost on time, pulling in the parking lot at ten past 9. We hopped out of the car and I grabbed my guitar cases. I had an acoustic in the back that I decided to use as well. Roger's stuff was already in the studio so he held all the doors for me, as well as my acoustic, as we walked in. Everyone who was there seemed very cheerful and greeted us with smiles and 'goodmorning's as we walked through.  The place where we were reccording was on the 4th floor. We rode the elevator up to our floor and strutted in.

"Ah, here they are!" Freddie smiled and held his arms up as we entered the room.  "and only 15 minutes late!"

"That's 13 minutes late, thank you very much!" Roger defended with a simper.

"Ah, I beg your pardon dear." Freddie winked at us as we got situated in.

This was to be our first time in the studio as a couple, so we talked before hand and agreed that this is in fact work and we would keep our hands to ourselves until our breaks. Most importantly, we would not take sides for the mere reason we're a couple. 

"Okay, so John and I have been running through songs we already had while waiting for you two. Have you any songs you've been working on?" Freddie twirled a pencil in his right hand, looking at us.

I quickly pulled a piece of paper from my guitar case and held it up. "I have been working on this for some time now."

John sat foward in his seat as I handed Freddie the paper. He read over Freddie's shoulder and gave each other approving nods.

"I really like this Bri!" Freddie handed me the paper and I smiled.

"Yeah, I'm liking this a lot!" John grinned at me and nodded.

"Thanks guys, I'm confident about this one. When can we get started?" I asked eagerly.

"Well, do you have anything Roger?" Freddie asked and Roger scratched the back of his head, bitting his bottom lip.

"Oh, uh... no. Let's uh, work on Brian's song." He smiled stiffly at us and we slowly nodded.

He was suddenly acting strange, like he had something to say . I feel like he does have a song, but I guess he's pretty skeptical to show us. Sometimes when he's really excited about a song, we hear it and he can tell we aren't as excited as he is. It's not like he's not a good songwriter, but some of the things he works up are a little... odd. This was actually only our second album.

I looked down at my paper and glanced back at Roger. He was some of the inspiration for it. I had titled the song "Some Day One Day", and had actually started working on it right after we had become a couple. He hasn't really heard it, but he's read some of the lyrics and such. 

"Okay, so let's get started." I happily gave Freddie the paper.

I squeezed Roger's shoulder comfortingly before he went to sit behind his drums and he smiled. I tuned my guitar and began showing them how I envisioned it starting out. I started it out with a swift acoustic pattern. I planned to layer on several different guitar parts and I wanted to play them all. Freddie started singing it but suddenly stopped, smiling at me and handing me the paper. I gave him a confused look and he chuckled.

"How about you sing it dear... I think you're better suited for it." Freddie sat down in a chair.

"B-but Freddie... I haven't sang lead vocal on a track before." I was a bit nervous, but at the same time excited.

"Well, you won't be able to say that now!" Freddie giggled and I grinned at him.

I quickly turned to Roger and was met by his wide grin. "C'mon Brimi, let's rock this song! You'll do great." 

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