Peace and Quiet?

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Roger ended up falling asleep on me, but it was only 5pm and I wasn't tired. He'd been alseep for about half an hour and I decided this would be the perfect time to catch up on my reading. No one was around save for my sleeping beauty, so it was quiet and peaceful in the flat. We go back into the studio next week, so this was basically my last day of "vacation".

I stretched over to my bedside table, careful not to wake the sleeping drummer, and I grabbed my book. I opened it up and continued where I had left off last.

I had gotten quite far into it when Roger started to stir. I read the last line in the chapter I was on and put the book back on the table. Roger rolled over onto his stomach and curled his arms under him, like a child. I giggled and leaned over on him.

"Roggie, you awake man?" I wrapped an arm around his waist and rested my chin in the crook of his neck comfortably.

"No." Roger's groggy voice was muffled as he was face down in the sheets.

"It's just about 6pm and I'm getting a bit peckish." I blew my breath on the side of his neck where I could see exposed skin, not covered by hair.

"No, stop Bri!" He giggled and tried to shoo my face away with his hand. "I don't wanna get up yet."

"C'mon... I know you're bound to be hungry." I tried turning him over but he anchored himself down by grabbing the side of the bed. 

"I'm too comfortable here." I quit pulling on him and he pulled his arm back under his body.

"Okay... fine. I'll just eat aaaaalll by myself." I slid away from him and got up, walking to the door and pretending to walk out.

I opened the door and shut it, not leaving the room but hiding against my dresser. Roger rolled over and sat up, looking around for me. He frowned and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He padded over to the door and opened it, walking into the living room and calling out for me.

"Bri? Brian? where'd ya go?" He scanned around the room and I snuck up behind him.

"Thought you were too comfortable to get up?"I spoke against the shell of his ear and he gasped, yelling my name as I wrapped my arms around him from behind.

He tensed up at first but I could feel his muscles relax and he giggled, leaning back against me. "Why do you like scaring me so much?"

I giggled and kissed his cheek. "I love the look of surprise on your face. That, and I love to hear you scream my name." 

He turned around to face me and I smirked at him. 

"You cheeky rabbit." Roger giggled and pulled away from me. "Let's just find something to eat."

I followed behind him into the kitchen and we looked in the fridge together. Neither Freddie nor John had returned home yet, so we just figured they'd eat before they came back. Both of our eyes scanned the items they lay in our tiny fridge until we both reached for separate containers of leftovers. Roger grabbed some leftover bangers and mash that John had left in there from Veronica's, and I pulled out a container of cold macaroni and cheese. We heated up our meals and sat together at the table. We talked about various things as we chewed our food and smiled at each other lovingly over the tops of our beers. It was nice to share a quiet evening together, something we didn't do all the time but wasn't completely rare. 

After eating, we'd washed our empty plates and shuffed into the living room. We weren't much up for watching anything on the television and we didn't really want to sit in silence, so I mindlessly strummed my acoustic as Roger sat in the floor with a pack of cards playing solitare. I jotted down notes and such for a new song I was working on and Roger rolled over on his back on the floor, staring up at the ceiling just listening to me play.

We heard the front door open and turned our heads sligthly to the side to see who it was.

"Hey guys." John had returned and was hanging his coat over the back of a chair, joining us in the living room. "Have you had a nice evening?"

I smiled at him and nodded. "A lovely evening."

"Yeah, actually..." Roger sat up from the floor and bit his bottom lip. "We uh, we told Bri's mum..."

John raised his eyebrows at Roger and I saw his lips curl up into a smile as he faced me. "Oh? And?"

I smiled shyly, looking into Roger's eyes as I spoke to John. "She said it's okay. She's okay with it..."

Roger stared back at me with a spark in his beautiful blue eyes and smiled widely. 

"I'm glad she is! I'm so happy for you two." John's warm smile and sparkling eyes made me feel happy inside as I glanced over at him.

I looked back toward Roger and he stood up, picking up the cards and setting them on the table as he joined me on the couch.

"I'm happy too." I spoke gently into Roger's ear as he leaned against me.

"Well I'm going to go ahead and go to bed so I can get up early tomorrow. First day back in the studio, are you two as excited as I am?" John gave us a child-like grin as he spoke.

"I am! I've been working on a few songs and I'm pretty excited to start putting them together!" My voice matched John's as I excitedly spoke.

"Yeah, and I miss being able to beat on my drums without being told I'm too loud!" Roger giggled

"Well, hopefully Freddie will get back soon and we'll all be able to get a good start tomorrow!" John clapped his hands together as he started walking towards his room.

"Hopefully. Good night John." I smiled at him

"Yeah, good night man." Roger nodded at him before he told us good night and retreated inside his room.

We sat there in silence for a little while before I looked down and noticed Roger had been staring up at me. 

His eyes held a certain lustful spark that had me leaning in to capture his parted lips in mine. Roger climbed up on me with our faces smashed together as he strattled my hips. We broke away for air and he placed hot kisses down my neck. I shivered at the felling and clasped my hands on his thighs, squeezing lightly as he made his way up to my jawline. I moaned at the sensation of his hot mouth on my skin and I felt him smile. I grabbed his head in my hands, kissing him with much passion before breaking away again for air.

"How about we uh, take this somewhere else..." Roger's husky voice was making my head spin and my pants grow tight as I nodded quickly. 

I lifted him up off the couch and we pushed into his room since it was closer and I closed the door behind us, locking out the rest of the world.

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